Thanksgiving preparation

Ok, it is Thanksgiving week. Traditionally the focus of this holiday winds up being about the food, BUT it should be about friends and family. Part of the reason I need to lose weight is because I have made food a focus for many various reasons; stress, birthdays, holidays, emotions and celebrations of just about any kind. Thanksgiving should be about being thankful for all you have. Even if the things to be thankful for are few, we still are rich beyond many. Easier said than done, I know, but if we are going to make this journey, it means even on a holiday. It means putting everything into perspective and making smarter choices.

So with that being said, here are my suggestions for my fellow MFP’s:

How about an extra long walk Thanksgiving morning to earn the extra calories you think you are going to take in? Earn it first, enjoy it later. It may even help to motivate you to reduce what you take in since you have already started the day on the right foot.

Instead of setting the traditional table, set up the feast on a side table. Don’t skimp on the spread, make it fancy, and add lots of fresh fruit (and maybe some fresh flowers or cut branches and leaves) as table garnish. Make it a spread worthy of a magazine shoot! BUT, don’t put it on the table. Instead, leave the table open for conversation; put some family photos from this past year out in the middle of the table; that will start conversations. This works even for a small crowd. One tradition I like is to put some permanent markers out on the table and write on table cloth something you are thankful for, sign and date it, use the same table cloth each year, adding to the previous year’s notes. Make it about each other and the food begins to fade into the background. If you still want seconds, that’s fine, but you will burn an extra calorie by traveling to the buffet for it :)

Dessert….instead of traditional pies and such, put out single serving low calorie options. Okay, one regular pie if you must, but make sure you have other good options available.

Clean up right away, don’t leave leftovers out to pick at, put it all away. Plan ahead, have plenty of Ziploc baggies and small containers ready. Make take away packages for everyone so that you are not left with all that food to consume the next few days. You can even hand each person some containers and so they can make up their own care packages. Keep only a little and get rid of the rest, temptation can get to the best of us. That’s why we are here, right? Freeze leftovers in small portions, even single size it. Get it put out of sight! One, you will feel better knowing you don’t have that chore to look forward to after the guests leave, two, it will get you moving around after dinner which is always good and three, now the table is cleared for some board games or cards. How great is that?!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Plan ahead and enjoy.

P.S. What am I grateful for this year? I am grateful I have made the good decision to lose this weight and that I have such a great network of people to help me succeed. Thank you all!


  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    I agree with you that a lot gets forgotten on Turkey Day. We should remember the things we have and be thankful for them.

    With that said, it doesn't have to unhealthy. For example, everything I'm making is natural and healthy - tons of veggies! I'm leaving the icky stuff up to others to make/bring. This way I know my health goals are being met. Also, since I'm hosting, I know I'll get to burn some extra calories cleaning, cooking, and packing the left overs.

    Have a wonderful holiday! Gobble Gobble!
  • dcpstrickland
    Great Tips!! Thanks!! Have a greeeaattt Thanksgiving Day!!
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    A great Post!!! We are thinking a like on most things. I have already planned on walking/running before everyone gets to my the turkey is cooking :) I have bought the ziplock bags already and only making 2 pies this year one pumpking and one pecan. If they want more desserts I have apples, oranges and other fruit on hand. I made my own cranberry sauce with apples & oranges in it, a lot healther then store bought.
    We will see how things go over this year :happy:
    We also go around the table and say why we are thankful..even the little ones say something :laugh: at times they can be really cute.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    Ohhhh I am crossing my fingers that I fare well on T-day! We are celebrating on Saturday with friends in Berlin since I don't live in the US - and generally I don't eat too much beforehand, because we are so busy with the prep!

    My downfall will be drinking too much wine - I have to try to take is SLOW and alternate wine w/water, etc. I also don't think I will be able to squeeze in exercise that day - maybe a walk/run in the morning?! I'll have to plan that one!

    How is everyone else preparing?
  • charmed2570
    I am prepared for turkey day, my fruit is in place, my attitude is right, and my workout is planned. I hope everyone has a wonderful time with their families and friends, and couldn't agree more the day is spent being thankful. I am thankful that I have my best friend and husband for 22 years still by my side. I couldn't do anything without him, he helps me burn extra calories by showing me how to repair fences on our farm, we move hay together, and he encourages me in every way. I am also thankful for all of you, the encouragement, the friendships, advice and yes sometimes the omg wakeup comments that need to be said that we don't always want to hear, so thanks! Eat, drink and have a great day, and a great excuse to take lots of photos, think about it this way, before and after pics!
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    I love this we are not eating at home this year but for future years and other big holiday I will diffently use some of these tip. This year we are going out to a restaurant I think. But I already plan on going to the gym that day and doing my workout I plan on working out a bit loner then normal. Not sure how much longer I work out for about 2 hr already. Thank you for sharing.
  • FeistyKitty808
    FeistyKitty808 Posts: 53 Member
    It may not be the same, but an alternative way to help reduce the calories of the wine is to make a pitcher of wine mixed with a sugar free grape juice and serve it in a pretty decanter. You can still enjoy it in your favorite wine glass and enjoy yourself.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I'm not a spiritual goody two shoes, but at church this week, when we were saying our prayers, I devoted my entire time to thanking God for my family, friends, job, good health, and happiness. I felt so contented that I didn't feel the need to ask for anything.

  • nanberube
    nanberube Posts: 110 Member
    Instead of setting the traditional table, set up the feast on a side table. Don’t skimp on the spread, make it fancy, and add lots of fresh fruit (and maybe some fresh flowers or cut branches and leaves) as table garnish. Make it a spread worthy of a magazine shoot! BUT, don’t put it on the table. Instead, leave the table open for conversation; put some family photos from this past year out in the middle of the table; that will start conversations. This works even for a small crowd. One tradition I like is to put some permanent markers out on the table and write on table cloth something you are thankful for, sign and date it, use the same table cloth each year, adding to the previous year’s notes. Make it about each other and the food begins to fade into the background.

    Fantastic idea!!! I am going to use it. My husband likes the idea of the table cloth as well. Thank you and Happy Thanskgiving everyone. I am thankful that I have MFP friends to support me.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Instead of setting the traditional table, set up the feast on a side table. Don’t skimp on the spread, make it fancy, and add lots of fresh fruit (and maybe some fresh flowers or cut branches and leaves) as table garnish. Make it a spread worthy of a magazine shoot! BUT, don’t put it on the table. Instead, leave the table open for conversation; put some family photos from this past year out in the middle of the table; that will start conversations. This works even for a small crowd. One tradition I like is to put some permanent markers out on the table and write on table cloth something you are thankful for, sign and date it, use the same table cloth each year, adding to the previous year’s notes. Make it about each other and the food begins to fade into the background.

    LOVE it!