Looking for an Exercise Buddy, to join me @ The Gym !!

Hi Everyone,
I"m a Newbie @ this, but have joined the Goodlife in Mooroolbark last month, & have been going 2-3 times per week, I do my set program, & cardio, & enjoy the Body-Balance, class. I haven't tried any of the others, although I'm interested in the Yoga class as well, might get to it sometime soon, my main motivation is to trim off some of the excess flab I've put on in the last few years, but also to maintain some general Fitness & Well being -- Live Stronger & Longer -- So far so good Now that I'm watching the Calories with My Fitness pal, it's all starting to improve -- I'm definitely Sleeping Better & Feeling Better -- I would Love to Meet another like minded interested person of similar Vintage, who would Join me as it's more Fun & Better Support & Motivation When sharing it with someone -- Please leave me a Message & we could meet up @ the Gym Cheers .