E V E R Y weekend!



  • alexlove31
    alexlove31 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm having the same issue and am about sick and tired of it! Why do we do this to ourselves? I don't want to undo all of my hard work from the week and then spend half of the following week undoing the weekend damage. Such a waste! Going forward, I'm treating everyday like a weekday and if I'm craving something, I'm not going to wait until the weekend to have it. I'm going to have it when I want it and save on the "over-did-it" calories from the weekend. Also, I need to get out more on the weekends. Glad to see the weather is improving here in Chicago!
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    My biggest problem!

    I did good last weekend for the first time in a LOOOONG time, after seeking some advice out on here.

    I filled out the food journal ahead of time with stuff I knew I wanted to eat but that I knew wasn't good for me (pizza, candy bar, starbucks, etc), then I planned other eating around that.

    Tried to eat a small breakfast as soon as I woke up (I typically wait a couple hours then make a huge breakfast on weekends)

    Tried to keep my splurging to one meal instead of all throughout the day

    Bought some diet coke (I'm not a big soda drinker) But because it was something I don't normally drink, (and has no calories), it almost felt like a weekend treat, and when I wanted to go snack, I'd grab one of those instead.

    Keep the things you get to do during the weekend as a treat, rather than what you can eat during it.

    Good luck!