Hi - I've just joined from London

Hi Everyone

I've been on this for just over two weeks and can't belive how easy it is to keep track of what I am eating - I have the app on my phone and I never realised how many calories I was eating before!! I went over my daily intake a couple of times, but finding it so much easier now, and have almost been struggling to eat enough in the last couple of days which I never thought would happen.
I always yo yo between the weight I am now and + about 4-5 pounds, but have never been able to get below 155lbs - I am determined to do it this time round though, and first goal is to be 150 by christmas time, and then 140lbs by Mid March for my holiday to Australia - I want to feel good in a bikini!!
Any tips / suggestions would be most welcome - esspecially on how to avoid putting on the lbs during xmas time!


  • Katy213
    Hi, you have definitely come to the right place. I know exactly what you mean, I didnt realise how many calories I was eating either and the first couple of weeks is definitely a learning curve. Now that I am used to logging everything I am much more vigilant about checking lables in the supermarket and even make better choices when eating out. Good luck with your weight loss :smile: