The dreaded 5:00 - 6:00 hour

So I've posted here a couple of times about how I've recently started working out more (cardio 3 days, strength training 3 days, 1 rest day). I also upped my calories from 1200 to 1500. I haven't been good about logging (I know, I know) but I have it all written down at home and follow pretty much the exact same meal pattern everyday (today was pre-logged as an example).

It's been about a month and although I gained a few pounds initially, I managed to lose it and am now back at square one. It's frustrating to not be further along than this, and the only thing I can think of that is stalling my progress is what I do between 5-6pm.

For some reason, this is the absolute WORST time of day for me. I get home from work about 5 with my two young kids in tow and start to make dinner. Mine is pre-planned and takes a mater of minutes to heat up and eat. After that, I try to get dinner ready for my kids and hubby (he works late). In between all of the dinner prep, I try to put lunches together for the kids while I'm in the kitchen and have the food out. This inevitebly leads to mindless snacking... a lot of it. Last night it was handfuls (yes, plural) of animal crackers. Sometimes it's ice cream or chocolate (we almost never have those in the house, so when we do I go right for them).

It's just a crazy time with the kids (2 and 4) wanting my attention after not seeing them all day, and trying to get dinner ready and trying to start on lunches and trying to clean or do laundry or whatever other quick household chores I can sneak in. You would think with all of this going on that I wouldn't have TIME to eat, but I always manage to throw something in my mouth on the go. The sad part is I don't get to enjoy it. I just throw it in my mouth as I'm doing something else.

After about 6:00 dinner is done and we go play or read books or I'm finishing whatever chore I started earlier, then it's either off to the gym when hubby gets home or start the bedtime routine of bath, books and bed. By the time all that is done, so am I. No strong desire to eat/snack/munch/graze... any other time of the day or night. Just that one hour. Bizzare.

I know I'm not hungry because I JUST ATE! I think at this point it's just habit and I've been doing it for so long it's taking a long time to break myself of it. I used to just eat 4 egg whites and a protein bar all day and would come home hungry so would binge on whatever was within arms reach. Now I'm eating more food and more frequently but still can't get out of this hole I've dug for myself.

Does anyone else have a specific time that is troublesome? What do you do? Any suggestions??


  • catb58
    catb58 Posts: 239 Member
    How about chewing gum while you're fixing the family's meals and packing lunches?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    why dont you play with the kids for half an hour when you get in - when they want your attention, and then go make the food while they are accupied with something, then you can prep quicker and wont need to snack and then eat with the kids and do the rest of your food prep after they're in bed.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I'd say multitasking is your enemy in this case. I know, I've been the mom to small ones myself and sometimes that's the only way you can get things done. But if you can put your focus on one thing at a time then you can avoid the mindlessness that multitasking inevitably causes. I'd suggest maybe putting off packing the kids' lunches until after they are in bed, if you can. Focus on being with them during their dinnertime, and give them your full attention. Then make the lunches later during your less "risky" time. Or take turns with the husband making the lunches. Anything that changes up your schedule forces you to pay more attention, and might help you be more conscious of not eating the snacks.

    Conversely, you could plan for the snacking and eat less during the rest of the day.