SBF 2, Reboot Boogaloo, Thanksgiving week

yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
4 day weekend ahead! - which is a funny thing to say - MM and I don't have a 40 hour a week job (MM has more like a 24 hour a day job :happy: ), two of us are in Canada, and CP is in Costa Rica (I think).

My 2 cents MM: if you just think "oh, I don't eat wheat", rather than "I only get to eat wheat on special occasions", it's easier. I would no more consider eating meat than eating grass, I just don't think of it as food. I don't feel deprived. It's much harder with wheat or sugar, but the thought might help.

I need to learn to shut my mouth more. I'm afraid of coming across like a know-it-all in yoga teacher training. I did manage to keep my mouth shut when someone said that ashtanga was a different type of yoga than hatha yoga (all physical yogas are hatha yoga).

Today - off to Dallas. I'll check in, but I will only have miniature keyboard, so any posts will be very short. Also: walk and a little yoga.

Shutting mouth, boogaloo!


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I'm very bad at shutting my mouth, Mary...I always feel this need to be impressive. ugh.

    Goals of the week:
    five days of working out (actually embraced/enjoyed two days off last week)
    one of those workouts is strength training, either with my trainer or on my own. I'm also aiming to do some pushups/planks on one of my "days off/activity days".

    getting in my steps everyday (still aiming for 8,000 until I make that consistently.)

    academic work every single day (I'm in "don't break the chain" mode day off makes it too easy to take another day off. Also, I have to embrace the fact that some of those days, working will consist of staring at the screen and accomplishing nothing tangible, like this a.m.) I'm pushing through some exhaustion here, but I feel it's important to keep going, even if the work feels non-productive and inept right now.

    Organizing/shopping for, etc my thanksgiving (I do an American thanksgiving extravaganza...and this year I might have 16 people. Yikes.) I'm in restaurant/kitchen manager mode. Last night, my husband got cranky because I kept referring to the meat as "the protein" and wine as "the pairing" (that's heavy restaurant speak)...

    Finishing my marking pile, and getting organized with recording. Trying to let go of the resentment I feel for said marking. This year it feels way more like a burden/distraction from my real work than it has in the past.

    A good week to all, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    V. one thing I've learned about working through exhaustion is that you get sick more easily...immunity is not up to par. Please be careful my friend!

    Mary, I have the same problem when it comes to music...I shut my mouth more often than not. You just have to choose your battles :) still it's nice to know you have that deep knowledge. :)

    Rebooting myself for the next six weeks. In that time I have to get through one very large and scary concert with me conducting my choir. That's the 29th then really I just have a lot of music to learn over December. My hubby is going to Whistler for his annual pilgrimage (3 weeks) I miss him, but I relish the alone time too, especially if I get in a groove and start making progress in different areas of my life.
    I didn't make it to aquafit this morning but went swimming in the pool here where I was nice, I was th only one in there! Going to do a bit of walking today and then some serious study.
    I am finding that if I can get the exercise done early in the day OR as part of a trip somewhere, it doesn't feel as daunting. It's getting colder here and outdoor walking will have to take some strategic work with my clothing (need to find a warm hat that isnt too tight for my giant head). Other than walking my plan is to delve into the following exercise opportunities: climbing stairs in building (28 floors!), swimming in apartment pool, elliptical at gym, BodyPump class at gym, Zumba, Aquafit at the gym, yoga dvd at home. If that's not enough choice I don't know what is!

    As far as food goes...need to get back to my veggies, green monsters and fruits. I managed to steer back to bread and cheese these past weeks and I feel bogged down by it.
    Am taking to heart the advice I've had lately here on MFP especially about babysteps and NOT making quitting an option. Thank HEAVEN there are people who who understand what this is like! It's the biggest challenge of my life.

    love and hugs to you boogaloos...

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Well, I posted earlier but apparently some where between typing it and clicking post the internet went down. I didn't stay long enough to realize it didn't post. So here I am again.
    I am amazed when I read our posts and see how many things we can squeeze into our busy schedules. We are SUPER women! :smooched: All of us work hard, but just in different ways. It's really neat how we mesh together.
    My goal today is no sugar, but then I realized that dinner has a little bit of brown sugar in it. So I will allow that but that's all. And I will have fruit cause that's good sugar. I really want to cut back on it.
    I will also try to get on the treadmill for thirty minutes but house cleaning comes first. I got a lot done this morning before tumbling class, but I have a long ways to go. So I will focus on that and if I have time to walk then I will. I've really lost mojo to "work out" though I know cleaning burns cals too. I don't know where my mojo went but I kind of miss it. I hope I find it soon.
    Low cal day boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I cleaned out the storage room and I'm getting rid of some baby things. Not an easy thing for me to do but it's been five years. I have to let it go. It's replaceable stuff. But I couldn't get rid of the 0-12 mos baby clothes. I'm not ready for that. I worked fairly hard for about three hours, but counted it as light cleaning. It says I burned over 500 cals. Well, that leaves me with almost 900 for dinner. How am I going to eat that much at dinner? No wheat, no sugar. Doesn't leave many options. But I feel better for being able to stick it out so far today. :happy:
    Looking forward to a relaxing evening. I think the monstrous load to good will is going to have to wait until tomorrow evening. It's so nice to be getting rid of stuff. I still feel like I have a long ways to go though.

    Really hungry boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Okay I'm posting too much.

    I am not feeling well this morning. I felt better yesterday regarding the sinus infection. Today it's effecting my stomach. :sick: I need to eat breakfast but nothing sounds good. Not even something sugary. lol. I am determined to be thankful though. I'm thankful for my Pebbles who put up with me. :wink: And I'm thankful for friends with a car who are willing to go out of their way to take Alex and I to horse therapy three weeks in a row. :heart:
    Goals today: eat and log it, walk on the treadmill or go outside for a walk, get some more cleaning done, and do something with Alex. I really feel like taking a nap because I didn't sleep well but I don't know if I can squeeze that in. I also need to be careful for my wrist. I overdid it yesterday and it hurts really bad.
    Sorry I haven't been commenting on everyone's posts. I really just haven't wanted to be on the computer much lately.
    Mary how's your cough? Have a good time in Dallas!
    SMJ, I hope you are able to stay awake today and get good sleep tonight!
    V, I hope you made it through all your marking.
    Ready to feel better boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I'm thankful for my pebbles too!

    Need to get some yoga in today, but I've already walked.

    Thankful, boogaloo
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    Weird start to the day - everyone around me seemed on edge...very odd. I persevered and did not give up and nap all day. Visualization of my concert is making me feel calmer. Missed the gym today but went walking so...

    keeping on...boogalooing

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Yep, I forgot to post yesterday.

    Yesterday was a crazy busy day that was both encouraging and overwhelming. To summarize, I'm now getting my resume together to apply for a job in my department. It's a total long-shot, but I'm going for it anyways. The worst that could happen is that I get the job. :laugh: No official exercise yesterday, but tons of walking/activity. Also, pizza and wine for dinner (oops.) After I balanced it out with the activity calories, I was under by 13 calories. Victory?

    Today it's:
    Cardio salsa at 9 a.m.
    then, until 1:30 (acupuncture appointment)
    I'm alternating half hours at the computer working on paperwork and half hours cleaning the house.
    Then, after acupuncture, I'm going to try and finish the CV (the deadline to apply for the job is next Wednesday) and paperwork for the ethics review committee at the university (for research). Oh, and also make a shopping list for the thankstravaganza this weekend.

    Tired already.

    Sarah, you will rock that concert because you are a badass. MM, I don't think you post too much! Mary, how is the cough...and where's CP and Wandering? I miss them. Also, Bobbie. We are small but mighty, but I get curious as to what they're doing. I'm stalker-y.

    Busy bee v, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    SMJ, good job on not giving up and for getting a walk in! :smile:
    V, I was wondering if you fell off the face of the earth. :wink: Hope you get the job. :smile:
    Mary, you are my inspiration to keep on exercising even when not at home. :happy:

    Well, I think I may be on to something. It appears that if I eat less, I lose weight. :laugh: I've dropped two pounds since I haven't felt well. I'm still eating and not necessarily well all the time, but I am eating considerably less. I've been trying to get fruits and veggies in at least three times a day and it seems I am drinking a lot of water. I haven't been keeping track of that. So I hope I can make it through Thanksgiving weekend without pigging out. I really wish people didn't make 14 dishes for the main meal. It's just too much and there's that feeling that you have to try everything. Also we're eating about 2 pm which is late for us, so I need to eat a snack in the morning so I won't go crazy when we finally eat. I don't think there will be time for exercise tomorrow either. :ohwell:
    Today: school with Alex (totally failing on this), clean up the house (I didn't do it yesterday, but I did work out!), pack, and make a fruit salad for tomorrow. Oh and decide what I'm doing with the baby stuff. I got it all out Monday to give to good will and now I don't have the heart to do it. I really don't want the clutter but I am really not wanting to get rid of it. :frown: I need to do something with it today because I don't want out neighbor coming over to check on the cat and see such a mess. So moving all that stuff around may be my work out. If not then I will walk today.

    Decisions decisions boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    French food for lunch, after a walk, of course. Will try to get some yoga in today.

    Yum, boogaloo
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi pebbles! I'm still in Costa Rica, so this will be short. I felt bad that I forgot to post last week before I left. :tongue:

    I've been thinking of you all - mostly after I finish a meal and realize that, again, I ate too much. :blush: My husband keeps saying I'm on vacation and shouldn't worry about it, but if I gain 5 pounds that's just 5 more pounds I have to lose! I think part of it is that I keep worrying about not being able to find a good vegetarian option for the next meal, so I fill up on whatever's in front of me. But, there doesn't seem to be much risk of starvation, so I should relax.

    Happy Thanksgiving, all! I'll be back next week.

    Frogs, toucans, and orchids, boogaloo! :flowerforyou:
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    Feel defeated by my inner demons today. Want to eat everything! And I have my stress/dress rehearsal tonight....I need to get some perspective.

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I've hit overload. Goals for the day:

    I've been up and working since 7. I'll go to Zumba at ten a.m., then home to work/clean/plan/edit for the rest of the day. I've actually printed out day planners and have every hour scheduled until 5 from now through Monday, so that I can look at not just one day at a time, but one task at a time. Post 5 pm (except Sunday for the party) I will rest. I was at "a lot, but manage-able" until Tuesday when the vitae/letter of intent got thrown into my mix. Now I'm at "aaaaaahahahahaaaaaa! but probably still do-able because I am a warrior, rwar!" mode.

    Oh, yeah...happy thanksgiving, ya'll. :wink:

    Aaaaaaaahahaaaa, but thankful warriors, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    I hope you all do well on your eating today! I have it in my mind to do well so I hope I will.
    I did make a bad choice last night. A 6" from Subway for dinner. How is that a bad choice? The wheat. I was so cranky and wanted to cry when I got up. I've got to get off of it. I wouldn't even have any today but my friend makes specialty breads and I know she will be offended if I don't have any. So one slice. And I might have a slice of pie if I keep my other food portions under control. Some times wheat does not bother me, but Subway is a big offender.
    Goals today: try to log but I don't know if I will be able to, drink water, get on the treadmill for at least 30 minutes this morning, and keep portions under control. I don't like eating at two in the afternoon. I'm staving by then. But it's almost nine and I haven't eaten breakfast so maybe I'll be okay.
    I also have to pack, finish cleaning house, make a salad, and get Alex and I ready for the day. So busy busy. I need to log and get off here!

    Thankful for so many Thanksgiving invites! Makes me feel loved. :heart:
    Watching my actions boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I'm thankful for my pebbles and to have someone else cook today!

    Thanksgiving, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Amen Mary! I second that!

    Exercise done! It's probably not going to help a lot today, since it was only 185 cals but better than do nothing and feeling gross all day. Oh and I'm not wearing my stretchy pants today so anything I eat has to fit in my jeans. :tongue:

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning!

    I had a very successful eating day yesterday! I did not overeat and I didn't gain any weight so I'm excited! The next three days will be a challenge. I eat more around family. At least I have yesterday's success to look back on to remind me.
    On the road to SA so excuse any mistypes. :)
    Have a great day!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs.

    Hope everyone has a lovely day, filled with good choices and family.

    Today is a scheduled day off from official workouts, but I have plenty of activity, interspersed with marking (there's always more marking) to do today. I just cleaned/organized/purged my work area (I was buried in paper, some of it pertinent and unfindable, a lot of it no longer needed) and made my shopping lists for the party. The beauty of my neighborhood is that I have all of these charming specialty shops. The downside is that when you need a lot of different things, that means you have to go to ten different stores :tongue: . So, lots of walking carrying bundles, including a fifteen pound turducken. Then, home for more cleaning and more marking (or maybe I'll finish in the could happen).

    Got all my forms/vitaes/letters of application finished yesterday, and that has decreased the freak-out level greatly. Now I just have to remember my motto for the year (Fortune favours the bold!) and hand it over to the head of my department. :noway:

    Decreased freak-out level, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Two chocolate souffles in 24 hours & one other dessert - need I say more?

    Lots of veggies as well too.

    Souffle, boogaloo
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hi! :)

    Okay so I didn't eat as well yesterday but it could have been a lot worse. Steve scolded me. Lol. I really don't think I did that bad. It's a new day and we are going hiking! I will do better on my eating today. :)
    Have a blessed day!
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