Lifelong "overweighter" trying again

Delquin Posts: 33 Member
Hey all,

I have been overweight for most of my life. There was about a year in college where I dropped a lot of weight (apparently I was immune to the freshman 15!), but that didn't last long...mainly due to horribly habits, bad eating (fast food rather than cooking), and general laziness.

I'm tired of being fat. Really done with it. I need motivation to make better food choices. I need motivation to teach myself how to exercise. I had a gym membership last year for about eight months. I cancelled it. No sense spending money on things you aren't using. (Like the treadmill we used to have!)

If I don't do this now, I feel like it's never going to happen. And I just don't want to have a future of poor health or a shorter life. I must do something!


  • Congrats on beginning your fitness journey! My advice would be to start small, don't try to do too much at once (diet changes, workouts, etc), and drink your water! :) Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • melissafaith24
    melissafaith24 Posts: 251 Member

    for me, making logging into MFP daily soon as I get to work (minimizing but leaving open during the day) a part of my routine, it helps keep me accountable throughout the day, every day. prelogging helps alot too.

    good luck!
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    Hey Delquin, you've made the best choice coming to MFP and here's why:

    1.) No dieting needed
    2.) No exercise needed
    3.) Simply set up your profile and see what MFP sets as your calorie goal
    4.) Log what you eat faithfully and accurately each day. See where you are in regards to your calorie goal, adjust accordingly.
    5.) Weigh once a week (or even every two weeks) and update MFP with your new weight
    6.) Be amazed as you see yourself changing and the inspiration it creates in your life

    As you see what you are eating daily, it will encourage you to eat differently or at least in smaller portions. This isn't about making huge changes, it's about slowly changing life-long habits which result in a healthier you. Literally thousands of people on here have done it and continue to do it. Congratulations on taking your first step and get ready for a new you!
  • AiSoT
    AiSoT Posts: 4
    It's only my second day but i agree with melissapecker, logging daily it's a great accountable tool. And the support of everyone here it's great to keep you motivated.
  • Delquin
    Delquin Posts: 33 Member
    Due to my work, I'm constantly glued to my laptop, so I will become obsessive about coming here and logging in all the time! :)
  • tomee638
    tomee638 Posts: 64
    Hey, I'm in a support group through Facebook with several hundred people working out various programs (working out at home, going to a gym, running marathons, etc). We don't require that you purchase any products from us to be added and we don't try to sell you stuff once you're in. We just focus on helping our teams get the best results they can for how they want to exercise. Our current group has ~500 people in there, all trying to improve themselves and support each other. We have small groups for accountability and live team broadcasts via YouTube.

    I had a gym membership for a year recently and didn't go regularly and even when I did, I never really pushed myself. I've found that working out at home has made a major impact on my fitness and have really been happy with it.

    Sent you a friend req, let me know if you're interested or have more questions. Either way, make the life changing decisions today and hope you can stick with them this time!
  • jwat90
    jwat90 Posts: 178 Member
    You're in the right place. We are all here to help each other. This is really do able. Just take it slow, literally one day at a time. And set small weight loss goals for yourself so it's not so overwhelming. Try to focus on 10 lbs at a time. You can do this. Friend request sent! :smile: