Problems with #2

Dafrog Posts: 353
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
okay before i stayed constipated a lot. now that i am eating better and drinking plenty of water i still ain't going 2 like i should. i don't hurt, then again guess my bowels are use to being full. any suggestion for extra fiber. i took a mild lax last night, 4 am wasn't very fun...LoL. i don't want this to be my only relief. ps i rarely have taken lax so it ain't that my body expects them. help plz.


  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    Maybe try a colon cleanse. They are usually a 7-14 day thing and clean out your whole dijestive system. It is possible that there is a build up that just doesnt want to budge. My nephew has that problem but he is only 16 months old so they have been havng him drink miralax in is water and also doing sapositorys (sp?) Anyway, I think that if you try the colon cleanse it will break up everything and get things moving again. You can get them at your local health food store or GNC.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Find a good chiropractor that does internal medicine, too. Mine pushes on my colon and cleans me out, lickety split.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Maybe try a colon cleanse. They are usually a 7-14 day thing and clean out your whole dijestive system. It is possible that there is a build up that just doesnt want to budge. My nephew has that problem but he is only 16 months old so they have been havng him drink miralax in is water and also doing sapositorys (sp?) Anyway, I think that if you try the colon cleanse it will break up everything and get things moving again. You can get them at your local health food store or GNC.

    be very, very careful about the colon cleanse. Cleansing also takes a lot of nutrients out of your body. You could also try probiotics. I've dealt with IBS for 17 years. Since I started having either a bowl of Fiber One Original (14 grams) or oatmeal with fruit I go every day - almost at the same time. I have never been this regular in my whole life. Also I don't go by what MFP says. It gives me 14g per day - that's my bowl of cereal! I still try and get about 25g per day. Some days are better than others but when you've gone a week without going every little bit helps.
  • Just get some Metamucil, orange flavor and take it once a day. It will sort you out, gently.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    How much fiber are you getting and how much water are you drinking?

    If you're eating too much fiber and not drinking enough water to compensate it will back you up. If you're not getting enough fiber it's the same.

    Make sure you're eating lots of green veggies (Broccoli, spinach, greens etc...), apples and bananas are good sources as well. Crank up that water intake (even if you get your 8 glasses a day) add a couple extra for good measure. If that doesn't move things along I'd recommend a check up. Not regularly moving your bowels can cause some long term issues.
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    I always use raisin bran and raisins. and believe it or prunes. like baby food prunes. they taste good too lol
  • jessemerson86
    jessemerson86 Posts: 174 Member
    If you don't want anything medicated, a good mix for fiber is to mix up 1 cup of all bran cereal, 1 cup applesauce, and 1 cup prune juice and leave that in your fridge. Eat a little bit (about 1/4 -1/2 cup each day). You can also have each of those things separately. Fiber One also puts out a lot of good items (cereals, bars, etc) with tons of fiber in them.
  • msmm6
    msmm6 Posts: 5 Member
    General Mills and Kellogg's both make granola bars with about 10 grams of fiber and 120 to 140 calories. They satisfy my sweet tooth and add a good amount of fiber.
  • doublexhelix
    doublexhelix Posts: 199 Member
    i eat a lot of fiber and drink a lot of water but still am not going as regularly as i used to, which is weird. but if it gets annoying then i just drink a big cup of coffee. it usually does the trick :D
  • PROBIOTICS PROBIOTICS PROBIOTICS!! They're safe, natural and effective. Buy something like Yokult (yogurt section of the groc store), or get some in a bottle at all health food stores. It's like a MUCH stronger version of has all the beneficial bacteria to help you digest everything. Trust me on this. :bigsmile:
  • can you get hold of any oat bran, that's very good for getting movement going and strong black coffee works wonders for me!
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    What you are eating may be causing you to go less. Carbs, specifically grains like bread, pasta, rice, etc create the bulk for your waste when having a bm. If you are eating more fruits and veggies, in place of carbs, you will have less waste and have to go less often regardless of the amount of fibre you have.
    I am not saying you must eat more carbs if this is the case but be aware of this so you aren't freaking out about having a bm less often. Unless it starts to hurt or you are getting bloated then I would say it is fine, however as always you should know your body better than anyone, so if you feel you body isn't right, you should contact your doctor.

    Before I changed my lifestlye I was having 3 bm's a day, now I have 1 mostly everyday but once in a while I skip a day.
    I still eat carbs but much less than I was eating before. I used to be quite the bread monkey lol.

    Hope this helps.
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