How do you lose love handles?

I have lost 31lbs with calorie counting, but I am new to I am trying to tone and lose a little more fat along the way. My abs are starting to show, but I still have these nasty love handles. Does anybody now good ways to work them out? I am doing tons of cardio, regular and oblique crunches and sit-ups, but I have not seen a change. HELP!


  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    In a word-RUN! You can't spot reduce, you need to burn that stored fat. Running engages your whole body and tones better than any other exercise. My wife has seen tremendous results from running.
  • lisafrancis629
    I agree with the above poster. I saw a big difference in my love handles and stomach when I started jogging.
  • Rungirlmba
    In a word-RUN! You can't spot reduce, you need to burn that stored fat. Running engages your whole body and tones better than any other exercise. My wife has seen tremendous results from running.

    I would have to agree with Milo. I lost a lot of weight after having 3 kids but still couldn't get rid of the love handles until I started running. Also what helped me was limiting breads. Try eating more lean meat and protein and reducing your fat and carb intake (not eliminating it, just reducing it). For me, on the days I know I'll be doing cardio, I'll allow myself whole grain bread with my breakfast. Other days I'll eat mostly veggies and lean meat and will have oatmeal for breakfast and maybe a baked potato with dinner. Just a helped me but everyone's body is different.