gallbladder removal

Hi Everyone i am new here name is Chris i am youth softball fast pitch and baseball umpire i do slow pitch softball as well. This week i was told i had to gt my Gallbladder removal out in two-three weeks. I have a stem in me and stones. I was in Hospital for three days. Saturday, Sunday and part of Monday.

I am scared of the pain afterwords does anyone know how it feel after they are done what the pain feel like. How long does it take you to get back to normal daily live. I won't have to worry about umpiring till next summer/spring


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I was 28, I think, when I had mine out laproscopically. They kept me on pain killers the first couple of weeks so I really didn't feel any pain, and I wasn't very mobile for a couple of weeks while my ab muscles recovered. My sister had to help me out of bed the first day! But I was back on my feet and able to work within a week or two.

    For me, compared to the pain I was feeling before they took it out, recovery felt so much better.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I've had mine out - emergency surgery style.

    I've had a few surgeries and, while none are pleasant, gall bladder removal isn't bad. It is a fairly quick recovery and the pain meds take care of things. I wouldn't worry a bit about it - the worst part is getting the IV in the pre-op. After that, things are absolutely peachy!
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    I had mine done with a scope and was sore from inscsions and told to take it easy for a few weeks on lifting but much better off after and I was lucky no foods seem to bother me at all where I hae heard some have issues with certain typse either diary or spicy and neither bother me. Good Luck
  • DamieAnne
    DamieAnne Posts: 103 Member
    I had mine out a couple of years ago after i developed problems - it was an over night stay, and i only needed pain meds for 1-2 weeks. I was careful for the first month but it was completely healed within that month. After having it out i have no pain and can eat whatever i want, so it was definitely worth it.
  • I didn't experience any pain after having my gallbladder removed.
    But when you think about how horrible the pain is when you're having an attack, recovery is NOTHING my friend..
    My 16 yr old daughter just had hers taken out a few months ago. She had it done on a Thursday and was back to school on Monday. Laproscopic surgery is a breeze. No worries!!
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    I had mine out on a Thursday and was back at work the next Tuesday...light duty. I even travelled to a funeral on the Saturday after. 2 days post op.
    I had pain killers the first 48 hrs afterwards then just Tylenol
    Honestly compared to other surgeries I have had it's no big deal.
    I have no problem eating anything now.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I had mine out in emergency surgery and was back to work in a little over a week and back in the gym doing cardio then also. I had to take it easy lifting weights for a little longer. I didn't really have much pain after the first couple days and the only reason I wasn't back at work quicker was I needed approval from the doctor and that is when I saw him.
  • MsTiffB28
    MsTiffB28 Posts: 1
    I had mine done laproscopic 2 years ago and hardly no pain after. I actually did not use the pain medication at all. It is life changing. Especially eating habits. I did everything by trial and error for the first year after. Some things will make you go to the bathroom immediately and other may not. Good luck and please use the full recovery time!! Take care!!
  • Valrotha
    Valrotha Posts: 294 Member
    I was in the hospital at 8am with extremely bad abdominal pains, which turned out to be my gal bladder. I had it cut out that evening and left the hospital 24 hours after having been admitted.

    This was on a Friday. I was at our Monday morning meeting the following week, which I should've skipped. Overall, it took a good couple of weeks to get back to work at a normal pace. I'm a benefits consultant, so desk job basically. Doc told me a month at the outside. Pain wasn't anything after the surgery compared to how bad it hurt beforehand.

    Pain pills were fine to deal with the post-op pain. It's really not bad as far as surgeries go.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    I had my gallbladder removed laproscopically several years ago, also. The surgery is a breeze. The recovery isn't so bad, either. The worst pain was due to gas pains, because they have to kind of "blow you up" with some air so that they can see everything in there more easily with the camera. They squeeze some of it out before you wake up, but it takes about a week for the rest of it to dissolve and be released. I honestly had no pain the next day, and the day after that, I managed my pain with ibuprofen. I was able to go grocery shopping with my mom the day after (just to walk around, no heavy lifting for a while).

    I have to agree with the other posters who have mentioned that the pain from the recovery is NOTHING compared to the pain of an attack. That was some of the worst pain I've every felt, barring labor pains, and I do not regret having the surgery to have it taken out.

    Good luck!
  • Kelly3068
    Kelly3068 Posts: 1 Member
    If you've been having gall bladder attacks, you'll be happy to know that the recovery feels NOTHING like the attacks.

    I had my gall bladder removed about 4 years ago. For me the attacks were a 9 on a scale of 1-10. The post-surgery pain was about a 3.

    My surgery was on a Friday. It was a laproscopic surgery, so the 3-4 incisions were small. (Note: The one through the belly button was the most irritating one for me during recovery.) I stayed overnight and the nurses had me walking the halls often. They also told me to keep rotating my arm/shoulder so that the air they pumped into my abdomen during the surgery didn't settle there. I came off the heavy duty pain meds by Monday and managed with just Advil. By Wednesday, I was feeling good and attempted to run a short errand; that was too early for me. It left me tired and sore. I definitely stayed out of work the full week.

    They will give you restrictions for how much you can lift during the weeks after surgery. I think it was no more than 10-15 lbs for 4 weeks.

    You may experience digestive issues following the surgery, specifically with fatty and greasy foods. That may or may not normalize after a few months -- but it's best to take this opportunity to change your diet if needed.

    Good luck with the surgery and a quick recovery.
  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    I had to drive across the state about four days after I got mine removed. I was completely back to normal within a couple of weeks. The first three days where the hardest, then everything else was more a slightly painful annoyance that didn't go away for a week or so.
  • bethmakesmusic
    bethmakesmusic Posts: 164 Member
    I was back to normal in less than a week and only took the pain meds for 2 days after. Everybody is different, but it honestly turned out to be no big deal. You can handle this!
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    same as everyone, easy peasy. off pain meds in a day or two. walking 3-5 miles within days. back to normal running within a month.
  • RagingThespian
    RagingThespian Posts: 21 Member
    I have gallstones and have surgery scheduled for next month. My attacks don't sound anything like how other people describe. I told my doctor that I have some cramping and a little nausea. She said that was what an attack was. I was expecting to feel horrible pain, but I don't. It's just annoying more than anything. I am constantly aware of where my gallbladder is... it feels heavy to me... if that makes any sense.

    Mine is coming out on a Wednesday and I'm hoping I'll be well enough for my play rehearsal on the Sunday. I'm terrified I'll be one of the 5% that they can't do laporoscopically.
  • clau3260
    clau3260 Posts: 32 Member
    My experience wasn't so nice since a sneaky stone made it out and I developed pancreatitis 5 days after the surgery. Take it easy with exercise. Don't pick up heavy stuff. The one thing that I think also helped me is that I kept going out for walks. Even if it was a slow walk, but I kept moving.
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    Mine exploded in december 2011. (NOT KIDDING)... had sneaky gallstones and they made it blow.
    I've poisoned myself and almost died.

    But after it was removed.... I was fine....I went back to martial arts 3-4 weeks later.

    You don't have to change all what you're eating.... Just don't be stupid... Eat good and don't over do it.

    Small difference... I tolerate less alcohol now...weird but yea...

    That's all.
  • WaKay
    WaKay Posts: 314
    mine was a lap and it was about a 7-10 day recovery. Sore as hell the day or three after, keep a small pillow to hold on your abdomen when you move - or gawdforbid sneeze. also pain meds are likely to cause some constipation and you will not be able to bear down so modify diet accordingly.
  • Just to give you more info i did get yellow eyes still got them but there lowering now. I like to move and i life on third floor apt complex will the stairs be bad or no?

    i usually don't have people staying with me so how long did you all have to stay in hospital.
  • leahraskie
    leahraskie Posts: 260 Member
    My mom got hers out a couple of years ago, she isn't super active, but she was able to get up and move around fairly well not too long afterwards. Had a pillow behind her back for a couple of days.

    Word of warning, a lot of foods won't "agree" with you anymore. Super greasy and high cellulose foods like lettuce can sneak up on you unexpectedly. So I'd suggest if you want to be active with umpiring for the summer you should stay away from these foods or you'll be in the bathroom....