Getting judged :(

Im a highschool girl and I have been getting into fitness and health for almost a year now. My interests lie in lifting heavy and flexible dieting. I love my lifestyle and I love being fit and healthy. I am a strong believer in self improvement and I have always sought to improve myself.

Around my peers, especially my female friends, I am always discouraged and ridiculed. I dont talk to them about my interest in health anymore, but when I discuss macros and styles of training with my male friends, my female friends always interject with how lifting weights makes you "bulky" and how tracking macros makes me "crazy"

I am aware they gossip about how "self absorbed" and "obsessed" I am , and it really is discouraging, especially since they are my peers.

Have any of you ever faced this kind of judgement? How do I deal with it and stay motivated?


  • Savlona
    Savlona Posts: 84 Member
    If it wasn't this, it'd be something else. Hold your head high and be your own person. Not easy, but worth it.
    As I'm sure you know, it is hard for females to get bulky due to hormones - suggest they open their ears in biology classes ;)
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    I'd say just worry about yourself.

    Also, you're 23? In high school?
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    I'd say just worry about yourself.

    Also, you're 23? In high school?

    Don't judge. Algebra can be a *****.
  • saygolas
    saygolas Posts: 5 Member
    I set my year wrong :(
    dunno if i can or how to change
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Not to discourage you- but how old are you?

    I believe there is an age limitation (18)on this site and sparkteens might be a more appropriate place for you.

    That being said- it's High school. People are more interesting in make themselves look good by pushing others down.

    If you know who you are and what you want- nothing and no one can change that. stay focused.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    I'd say just worry about yourself.

    Also, you're 23? In high school?

    Not sure if real person or...

  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    High school sucks. It gets better. Do you have a boyfriend? How are your morals?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Not to discourage you- but how old are you?

    I believe there is an age limitation (18)on this site and sparkteens might be a more appropriate place for you.

    That being said- it's High school. People are more interesting in make themselves look good by pushing others down.

    If you know who you are and what you want- nothing and no one can change that. stay focused.

    ^Agree with the above.

    And if these "friends" of yours are talking down and ridiculing you, then maybe they really aren't your friends and you should consider finding others.
  • saygolas
    saygolas Posts: 5 Member
    I am a senior.
  • DBoone85
    DBoone85 Posts: 916 Member
    High school bishes suck more than internet hoes.....
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I am a senior.

    then maybe not posting pictures in your underwear on an adult site might be something to consider.

    also- age limit. 18.

    spark teens.
  • philipfoster76
    philipfoster76 Posts: 14 Member
    Lifting won't make you bulky.
    Even heavy lifting won't make you bulky.
    The only way you'll get bulky is if you put a ton of effort into purposely gaining muscle mass.

    Check this girl out...she lifts crazy, and isn't at all bulky.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Heck I am 41 and my female peers say the same thing to me never changes just get thicker skin.
  • bluesarah13
    bluesarah13 Posts: 31 Member
    The hardest thing about high school (and life in general) is being yourself. Others may ridicule you for things they are jealous of. I've learned most people who ridicule others are insecure about who they are. I agree with Savlona, being your own person is not easy but it's so worth it. Are you able to tell your close friends that you don't appreciate their comment? Maybe if they are able to support you a little more, other people's comments won't hurt as much.
  • cuckoo_jenibeth
    cuckoo_jenibeth Posts: 1,434 Member
    I am a senior.
    ^^^^ Oh, so this!!!

    then maybe not posting pictures in your underwear on an adult site might be something to consider.

    also- age limit. 18.

    spark teens.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I have been around people that make you crazy with their over-focus. However, when you make a big change, with lots of newness, it does take a lot of focus! You may need to join a group that is focused like you are, so you can talk and express yourself. Because some of your friends would rather see your results than hear you talk about the process.
    But if they are just sarcastic/mocking that's no bueno.
  • saygolas
    saygolas Posts: 5 Member
    Im sad to see so many people be so hostile here. I guess it comes with every website then
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I mean...that's just how teenagers act. You know, because they are teenagers. Not sure what to tell you. I have found that none of my friends care to hear about it either, even at my age. So I talk about that kind of stuff with friends from this site who share that common interest.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Im sad to see so many people be so hostile here. I guess it comes with every website then

    Trying to find ANY hostility in this thread.

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and say your friends are probably right about you.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Im sad to see so many people be so hostile here. I guess it comes with every website then
