Need Some Advice

hykmat87 Posts: 3
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I've been using my fitness pal for about 2 months and I've only lost 3 lbs. I watch everything i eat and exercise at least 3 times a week. What more can I do and does anyone think they might know why I can't lose weight? This isn't the first program i've tried and i've been on a million diets yet I don't lose weight. Help.


  • I am right there with you! But at least we have lost right?! :):wink:
  • I've been using my fitness pal for about 2 months and I've only lost 3 lbs. I watch everything i eat and exercise at least 3 times a week. What more can I do and does anyone think they might know why I can't lose weight? This isn't the first program i've tried and i've been on a million diets yet I don't lose weight. Help.

    Don't give up. I know how frustrating it is when you're denying yourself food that you love and all to lose 3 lbs. It can be really frustrating but don't give up. Look at it as a new relationship you're establishing with your body. You have to find what works for you - don't be afraid to try different things. First, take a look at your workouts...make sure you're getting at least 30-45 minutes of cardio 3x a week and at least 30 min of strength training at least 2x a week. Then look at your eating - lean meats, proteins??? It will happen for you.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Are the portions you're recording accurate? Do you frequently eat more fat or sodium or protein than MFP says you should? How much sugar are you actually consuming? (it's hidden in so many things!, the only "good" kind of sugar is in produce!) How much dairy and grains are you eating? It sounds counter intuitive since the food pryamid tells us to eat dairy and grains, but unless you're eating organic unpasturized/unhomogonized dairy and the grains you eat don't contain gluten you may be doing your body more harm then good! Try cutting down your sugar, dairy, and gluten intake and see if that helps? Gluten is a protein found in most grains. And if unpasturized dairy scares you go for regular organic like I do :)
  • Thanks for the advice. I don't have and dairy or grains or sugar (unless its in my food naturally but i watch the amount carefully.) I'm lactose intolerant so dairy makes me really sick and I really hate breads and things. I eat tons of veggies and every little meat and i measure everything out and only eat really small portion and don't eat after 7 pm. I also don't eat unless i'm actually hungry.
  • Are you consuming enough calories? Having too few calories can actually have the reverse effect because your body doesn't know when its getting its next meal so it holds onto the fat stores, therefore reducing your ability to lose weight. How many calories do you eat per day?
  • Erica2bFit
    Erica2bFit Posts: 9 Member
    I would recommend protein. From what I read in your response; it does not sound or look like you are getting enought protein. I know your lactose intolerant so I would recommend nuts and beans and avacodo. Great sources of protein and good fats. They are higher in calorie but I think you might need that as well. If your logging exercise as well as food be sure to eat the extra calories you gain from exercise I have read many post where people say it has helped them. I think your body maybe in starvation mode. If you try those things and they do not help then see your doctor and have labwork and be sure to have your thyroid checked. You might want to print your food log and take to the dr with you because your dr may see something you need to change. Good luck and do not give up.
  • Yep - protein! and make sure you are taking a good vitamin, calcium and omega3 every day. Your body is possibly storing fat as it thinks you are starving.... Can you have some lean chicken or pork a few times a week? Or eggs?
  • Hello Ive been using My fitness pal for 3 weeks now and I love it I exercise everyday tho I started out walking now I take a aerobic class and walk too on Mondays Ive lost 15.6 lbs total 4.6 in a week I feel great but sore tonight maybe we can be friends and encourage each other My sister is my friend on here too and shes lost 5lbs already So keep your head up and keep smiling Peace Tina
  • jerzypeach
    jerzypeach Posts: 176 Member
    Hi there!

    Remember that your scale weight only gives part of the picture. What you need to also be tracking is your body fat %. You could have been putting on muscle due to your exercising (a very good thing) while also losing fat. This is a good situation to be in but just looking at the scale would show almost no progress. I strongly suggest that you measure your body fat % so that you can track how your body's composition (fat vs. lean mass) is changing over time.......and don't let the scale weight be the "be all and end all" of your program.

  • Thanks for all the advice. I already have an appointment for a yearly check up in dec. so i think I'm just going to talk to the doctor. Everyone on both sides of my family are over weight so I think some must be genetic but I don't know for sure so I'll talk to the doctor. And yes if any of you wanted to be friends feel free to add me. Thanks again,
  • Heather,
    I had a terrible outcome to a questionable new "probiotic" that I tried a few months ago. Turns out, it wasn't a probiotic at all, it had some very dangerous strain of bacteria, and live yeast cultures in it. I got really sick, and I spent hours researching anything and everything to bring my system back into balance naturally. When I did my research, I ran into a lot of really interesting information about candida related to weight loss that you might be interested in. I added some simple and natural foods into my diet, and added some safe supplements. Took me about a month, but I finally recovered, and in the process I accidentally lost alomst 10 pounds. Research candida as it relates to body weight. It might help you. Remember a healthy and fit body is all about balance. Balance diet, and balanced excercise. If you come across any literature that offers "short cuts" through "probiotics" toss it, it's garbage and dangerous. There are some natural foods out there that we just don't eat enough of, and sugar is hidden everywhere in our food. I had to learn to be very conscious about reading labels.

    Hang in there, sometimes it takes time to figure your system out, and you are doing great because you did actually loose weight!

    Best of luck,
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