Another setback

I have been exceptionally inconsistent with logging my food and contributing to the forum in many weeks. While I was down a couple of pounds recently, one camping vacation did me in and I gained them all back. No one's fault but my own!! (Although it was a great vacation :wink:
Anyway, I now weigh 145 pounds and I hope to lose 10-15. I am 5'4 and almost 39 years old. I work out as much as possible, but I am extremely active during the summer months taking care of my two boys (ages 7 and 4). Running is my favorite exercise because I love to put my music on and be in my own little world for even a short period of time. I prefer to run outside, but childcare becomes the issue there. (It's tough to find a babysitter who will only come by for 45 minutes or so!). So today I ran on our tredmill in my dungy, hot basement. I got it done, but it was a depressing workout!
At any rate... I guess I'm just looking for a boost. My boys are picky eaters and never eat when I make a "healthy" meal. Making multiple means is getting tiring! (I know.... not the best parenting. But they are both in very LOW percentiles for their weight in their ages and I don't want to do the "eat what I make or go hungry" approach just yet.)
Any words of wisdom out there? Oh.... I also REALLY like my wine. I'm craving a glass (or 2!) right now, but I keep thinking of the empty calories.
I guess this was just a vent. Sorry!! But feel free with any words of encouragement!


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    To lose 10–15 lbs., set your goal to .5 lb. per week and be patient.

    The Sexypants post should be required reading for all MFPers:
  • mkdm291
    mkdm291 Posts: 139 Member
    Thank you! That is an excellent post!!
  • blairf83
    blairf83 Posts: 33 Member
    Where it comes to the kids..... DON"T make extra meals. Unnecessary extra work. Kids WILL eat when hungry. I know. I was a bratty little picky eater growing up too. The options in my house were 1) eat the food 2) have a pb sandwich (sounds magical the first few times but gets tiresome quick) or 3) don't eat. I went to bed hungry a few times, but survived to adulthood just fine.... ;-) Unless there's some medical reason to make special food, all you're doing is letting the kids continue to be picky and refuse perfectly good food. I can guarantee that missing a meal here or there isn't going to drop their weight. Bet they eat before that happens... ;-)
  • kaseykhloe
    I think that part of eating healthy, is eating what you like, to be honest when i started doing this i ate lots of vegetables that i absolutely hated and eventually ended up craving sweet food, now i have realised, i should eat what i like and what makes me feel good and at a smaller portion. My word of wisdom is that when you are exercising think about what you will look like after you've lost all that weight studies shows this makes us more motivated to exercise and gets us through pain. Hope that helps even though it is absolutely random.. ;)
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    I'm glad you read the sexy pants thread. It has everything you need to make a plan that will be sustainable for you.

    My only comment to you is this: Change your mindset. Looking at things that are normal parts of life as setbacks, especially when you add the 'starting over' piece - is really hard when trying to make significant changes. To be successful in getting healthy, you need to just keep going. Will you have vacations? Parties? Restaurant meals? Birthday parties? Yes. They are part of your life. Learn how to make these things fit into your weekly calories. If you go over a little now and then, keep moving. If you can learn to see this as just "what you do" rather than something you are doing 'until' - it will be easier.

    After you change your mindset - start building habits. If you can't get a run in, take your kids outside and play with them. Go for a walk. Keep moving.

    This is all about making changes that will get you to healthy - for as long as you live. Best of luck!
  • mkdm291
    mkdm291 Posts: 139 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm super motivated this time around. I just ordered a food scale and I think that will be an enormous help! I'll try to keep up with the updates!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Kids will eat when they're hungry enough. As far as running and childcare, yeah, you're in a tough spot. To me, a setback would be like an ACL tear or broken leg or something like that. This just involves thinking creatively. Look up local running groups and network yourself with other parents who probably already have a childcare system. Nobody should have to run on a treadmill if they don't want to :)
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Where it comes to the kids..... DON"T make extra meals. Unnecessary extra work. Kids WILL eat when hungry. I know. I was a bratty little picky eater growing up too. The options in my house were 1) eat the food 2) have a pb sandwich (sounds magical the first few times but gets tiresome quick) or 3) don't eat. I went to bed hungry a few times, but survived to adulthood just fine.... ;-) Unless there's some medical reason to make special food, all you're doing is letting the kids continue to be picky and refuse perfectly good food. I can guarantee that missing a meal here or there isn't going to drop their weight. Bet they eat before that happens... ;-)

    Couldn't agree more with this post. I made separate meals for my youngest and I'm still having to do it now - she's 18!! :/

    Maybe change up your exercise routine while the kids are on holiday - take them for a swim or run about a park like an idiot, play football etc.

    And log, log, log - I put all my food in even if I have a really dodgy day, at least it lets you see where you're going wrong. Also, if eating 'healthy' all the time works for you then great - it doesn't for me, try having the things you enjoy every now and again (just fit them in your calories/macros - saves having a binge later when you feel deprived.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    And log, log, log - I put all my food in even if I have a really dodgy day, at least it lets you see where you're going wrong. Also, if eating 'healthy' all the time works for you then great - it doesn't for me, try having the things you enjoy every now and again (just fit them in your calories/macros - saves having a binge later when you feel deprived.

    Log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly. Eat "healthy" (whatever that means to you) 80% of the time. Fit yummy, portion-controlled treats into your calorie goal. Deprivation can lead to bingeing.