Guilty Foods!

Hello, hopefully we all have a guilty bad food (I can't be alone in this, please!)That we KNOW we shouldn't eat yet CAVE and the calories aren't necessary the friendliest either...mine is....peanut butter. Portion sizes?! MADNESS. I'm addicted.
I try to control them by green tea, drinking some before...or after if i cave (oops).
How do you cope with these guilty food impulses!?


  • 87Djones
    87Djones Posts: 145 Member
    I eat just about anything I want to eat in portions. I find eating fruits with breakfast, lunch and dinner helps to keep me full longer. Peanut butter I will eat with apple or celery but at the same time I enjoy chocolate mostly every week. As long you know your working out hard to burn calories I wouldn't worry too much what you eat unless have medical issue.
    Find taking up a hobby to take your mind off the food you want to eat
  • arussell134
    arussell134 Posts: 463 Member
    I think what's helping me this time around is planning for foods - and refusing to feel guilty or bad about them!! Case in point, tonight was my book club and I knew there would be wine and sweets and cheese and all kinds of yummy things. Instead of trying to deny myself, I planned ahead! I ate less during the day and did a huge workout to free up some calories.

    It was nice being able to enjoy that food and not feel bad about it. I think this new way of thinking is what's going to help me stick with it for the long haul.

    So in a round-about way of answering your question - foods that I used to eat in quantity and need to plan for now - burgers, pizza, wine & cocktails (I used to have a drink almost every night - now more like 1-2 times per week), and I have a HUGE sweet tooth (chocolate, ice cream, candy - anything sweet!). ;)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I am not a believer in bad foods as such. I look at the diet as a whole.

    Calorie dense foods can be challenging though. Most foods I can easily portion control. The few I have more challenges with portion control (European Milk Chocolate and HD Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream), I usually only buy them in smaller packages and/or when my macros can handle them.

    With calorie dense foods I usually think it best to weigh out your portion (making sure you log it first so you know you can fit it in) and then put away the container before you start eating. That way you are less likely to have 'just one more'.