Another introduction

Hello, all! I'm Elina, and I actually found this website through the Android app. I was just looking for a calorie calculator, and I stumbled across this.

In any case, I recently finished up a three-month HCG course, during which I lost about 40 lbs. I still have a little more to lose, and I was mostly looking for a way to keep track of everything that I eat while I build up new eating habits and lose those last few pounds. My goal weight during the HCG was 140, but my ideal weight would be 130.

I'm also interested in getting fit, not just losing weight. I'd like to be toned, but the weight is my main goal for now. I know that building muscle will help with that, so I am working on that a little.

I'm really out of shape right now, so I generally do three days of cardio, about 20 minutes. Two days are strength training (with light weights, because I'm a wimp that can't handle more), for about 15 minutes. I'm hoping to up the cardio to 40 minutes as soon as I can handle it, but I'm too out of shape to do more right now. The strength training will be going up to 20 minutes soon, with each day focusing on a different area of the body. As I get comfortable with that, I'll also start using heavier weights. I also want to start hiking with my family soon. It wouldn't be every week, or anything, but it would be in addition to my regular exercise.

Well, I guess that's it. I tend to be a chronic lurker on any sort of forum, so I doubt you'll be seeing me around too much, but I will be reading!
