Weird question for those who have lost a lot (40kgs+!)

Hey guys,

I have no idea where to post this, and Google isn't helping

Bit of a weird question. I am struggling with this thinner body.

Has anyone who has lost a lot of weight from around their midsection, do you find you notice/pay attention your tummy/abdomen more?

I mean, there are good few inches less of fat there now

For example, hip bones poking out quite a bit. never had that before.

But the issue is, I find it really unsettling now I can feel my abs kind of poking through when I move. I can also feel my heartbeat in my stomach

It is really disconcerting!

Anyone else experienced this? Do you get used to it?



  • love8383
    love8383 Posts: 169
    I felt my heart beat in my stomach for the first time the other day, soo strange, I remember my sister who's really thin telling me she could feel her heart beat in her stomach years ago, but i didn't believe her. It's a weird adjustment when bones start poking out like collar bones and knees, i sleep on my side and have never had my knees hitting each other before, abit uncomfortable but healthier so i'm happy to get used to it.:)