Weight loss timeframe



  • Good job everyone! Keep up the great work...

    I have lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks, starting at 255 now at 245...I also have been doing about 50-60 minutes of cardio everyday and some days I will also do another 20 minutes in the evening. Focused on cardio for the first 60 pounds then will work into weights and toning as I get closer to my goal. Just be mindful and when you want to cheat, remember what your motovation is and your goal is...that is what works for me. Also I think of why I am going through this journey when I don't want to get my butt up and do some cardio...I stay active more now when I am home as well.

    Good luck!
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    71lb in just a year. The first few weeks dropped at 2lb, then it steadied to an overall 1.5lb a week. The last few pounds have been shaved off at about 1lb a week, but I'm getting lighter and I'm not being quite as stick-at-it as I could be. Hoping to lose the next 14lb (1 stone) at about 1lb a week, before dropping finally to 0.5lb a week for the final stone. If that works, I'll be looking at finishing the weight loss portion at the end of April next year, for a full total of 21 months.
  • ewhip17
    ewhip17 Posts: 515 Member
    I started Jan 1st and have lost (as of this AM) 75lbs so I think your goal is totally do-able. Patience is probably the hardest part - I gave myself a goal of 100lbs in 1 year (even had t-shirts printed for the gym to keep me accountable) and I'm really trying to be mindful of that goal. It's a big goal, but achievable. To this point it's gone faster than I expected but there have definitely been ups and downs. As long as I look at the average and the long term plan, I manage to keep my head on straight.
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