Live handles! When were yours gone?

Hello there I know that when it comes to losing weight they're is no shortcut no special workouts , it's all diet and cardio..
Well for all you out there when did you realize your love handles were gone? Like around what body fat percentage because I know abs come in way before your lie handles leave ..I did several online calculators that required me to measure and I came up with an average of 10-13%BF so i guess I'm 13%
This is me now Uploads/image_zpsa1427795.jpg
Close up to lower back side ish area (most noticeable) Uploads/image_zps11b33fe0.jpg
I know that I must keep on dieting but I want to ask you to see at what point in time were they gone or barely noticeable
Post up ! Love handles make me insecure I just want them gone! Be able to wear workout shorts without my fat all over the place
Thanks for reading ..


  • Chapin1997
    Chapin1997 Posts: 51 Member
    p.s I have lost 55 lbs in 14 months of lifting/cardio/diet
    So stuff like this really pops to me I'm the mirror
  • riirii93_
    riirii93_ Posts: 475 Member
    It's complicated. I'm not a guy so I hope that's not a problem, but I put most of my weight on at the love handles when I gain lol.
    When I was 15 I went from 118 to around 140 in a short amount of time and they were pretty bad. But then as I got older and filled out more and got taller, they're pretty much nonexistent at 140. I think they start showing up around on me now. I was 153 at my highest, and am at 140 now.

    Good job on the loss, you def don't have any anymore. You should post a before pic if you have one!
  • Chapin1997
    Chapin1997 Posts: 51 Member Uploads/image_zps22fc3f33.jpg here is a before pic when I was around 205 ... Day 1 of my journey
  • riirii93_
    riirii93_ Posts: 475 Member
    awesome progress :)
  • ge105
    ge105 Posts: 268 Member
    I'm not a guy but my experience has been that they don't go away really. I kept dieting and they were getting smaller but the rest of me was emaciated looking. So the solution I found by asking around on here was to put on muscle, then cut again, then I would look lean and not so soft. Trying to do that now so can't say how it works out yet but thats my 2 cents.

    Eta: congrats on your weight loss so far <3