Waking up ravenous at 3 - 4 AM



  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    that used to happen to me. nowadays i have cereal and half a cup of non-fast milk plus a 1/2 scoop of protein powder or a non-fat greek yogurt and 75 to 100 calories of carbs just before bed.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    That was happening to me, and now every night I have a cup of no salt cottage cheese with some fresh strawberries cut on top and a sprinkle of Truvia/cinnamon/unsweetened cocoa. It's delicious and filling, and the CC helps your muscles recovery (so I hear) the casein is a very slow moving protein. Give it a shot. I always thought CC was nasty....but this has turned out to be a treat. Look Ma! I'm all grown up! :laugh:
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    Thank you everyone for your responses. I do tend to eat a snack before bed (150-300 calories) but I will look into casein protein. I think my diet has been rather carb-heavy lately so I will pay more attention to that, and try to drink more water- I've noticed I've gotten quite thirsty in the night the past couple days

    Be sure to carry water bottles with you on your rides. Your diary is closed....but I bet you just need to tweak your macros a bit. I myself eat alot of protein on cycling days and find rides after 2hrs need a liquid sugar or a protein snack kick (depending on how hot it is). I also eat 50gm protein @ breakfast before riding in the morning.

    good job on biking!
  • accelerashawn
    accelerashawn Posts: 470 Member
    Try a slow digesting protein @ night like a Casein protein shake or cottage cheese or egg white shake with ff pudding mix (delish)

    Casein right before bed does the trick for me on this. I love Optimum Nutrition chocolate or cookies and creme :)
    +1 on casein. I like the bodybuilding.com's vanilla
  • butterbear1980
    butterbear1980 Posts: 234 Member
    Good idea on a bigger breakfast- I usually stick to 300 calories but I will up it to 500 :)

    Yes 500 at least. I'm your same size/weightactivity level and 800 works for me.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    You know, I remember when I first started cycling outdoors for longer miles, higher intensity, etc., that I would be raving starving if I didn't eat the right amount of protein. Sometimes it would catch up to me even the next day. Now its tapered down, kinda "settled" if this makes sense.
  • km1415
    km1415 Posts: 10
    Good idea on a bigger breakfast- I usually stick to 300 calories but I will up it to 500 :)

    Yes 500 at least. I'm your same size/weightactivity level and 800 works for me.

    I just looked at your diary- do you get hungry in the evenings? I see you eat the bulk of your calories in the morning and taper off. I find I'm hungriest in the afternoon, but maybe this would change if I ate more calories earlier.
  • jakeg676
    jakeg676 Posts: 1 Member
    Try getting a few more calorie in throughout the day. Also I would suggest eating more green, leafy veggies later in the day and right before you sleep. The fiber will keep your stomach busy and you won't wake up feeling like a bear that just came out of hibernation, eating everything in sight
  • mrschains
    mrschains Posts: 12
    Try a protein shake at night before you go to bed. If you drink it with water or almond milk, you'll cut some of the calories but feel fuller for longer. AND it gives your body the nutrients it needs to rebuild that muscle.
  • Sarahliquid
    Sarahliquid Posts: 201 Member
    Keep a can of almonds right next your bed and just have a few or a small handful if you wake up.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Riding a bike is one of the most energy efficient exercises there is. Meaning you don't necessarily burn a lot of calories doing it.

    You are kidding me right!

    Efficiency and amount of calorie burn has nothing to do with each other.

    While it might be easier for someone that really doesn't want to do it to go slower and less intense then they might do another exercise - biking burns more calories than you must be aware.

    Plus outside cycling is by it's nature very interval like, which increased the calorie burn.
    Also since it's not weight bearing it's actually easier to push yourself harder than you could say running.

    If you don't burn a lot doing it - then you need to pedal harder.
  • butterbear1980
    butterbear1980 Posts: 234 Member
    Good idea on a bigger breakfast- I usually stick to 300 calories but I will up it to 500 :)

    Yes 500 at least. I'm your same size/weightactivity level and 800 works for me.

    I just looked at your diary- do you get hungry in the evenings? I see you eat the bulk of your calories in the morning and taper off. I find I'm hungriest in the afternoon, but maybe this would change if I ate more calories earlier.

    I do that in the summer because I work outside in the heat I sometimes feel nausious at night and prefer a smaller dinner.