Weight loss

Hi I have a question, i'm a 23 yo guy who has been quite heavy set my whole life, averaging around 17 stone, however the past couple of months I got a grip, i got a personal trainer last month & cut out carbs, not all i'm still struggling fully, having around 40g carbs per day compared to having around 500grams. But in my first month with no trainer. I lost 5 pounds, taking me down to 16 stone 12 pounds, however the past month with the trainer & diet, i have dropped from 16 stone 12 pounds to 14 stone 13 pounds, i'm having a real problem noticing any difference & it's deflating morale at times, everyone around me can see it but i can't, my question simply is, is it normal to not notice anything about yourself? Or is it something i should be concerned with.


  • crikey_katie
    crikey_katie Posts: 136 Member
    I lost 74 pounds and still feel the same lol, it's entirely normal at first. If others are noticing you are doing something right! Keep it up :D
  • moglovesshoez
    moglovesshoez Posts: 83 Member
    Take a photo of you in shorts and tape it to a mirror.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    Have you got any old photos now take some new ones, with new clothes that fit well...you will definitely see the difference!
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    Self.image.mental journey as.much as a physical one. Congrats on your progress.
  • teranga79
    teranga79 Posts: 202 Member
    You've lost 27lbs in a month??!
  • Rossoh25
    Rossoh25 Posts: 4
    Pretty bad month, no days off from the gym, every single day weight training with little time for rest, eating around 1300 calories a day just now, trainer says its going fine & such, i've met a couple of his clients aho were big but have now lost a lot so he knows what he's doing, just corncerning at seeing nothing as of yet. Haha, i've done the whole before & after pic, where i notice next to nothing but people say that i'm surely lying about not seeing anythingg