What do you do to cheer yourself up.

Okay, I am female, I am emotional, some days more than others. I am intelligent and know that weight loss isn't linear. (Although I wish it was) Today the scale went up from last week. I knew it would, I celebrated my birthday and my Mom was in town so I went to a couple of family gatherings.

To remind myself I am doing good I will do things like look at my progress for the entire month. So far in July I have lost 6 pounds. That is actually a pretty good total for the month.

I also like to try on clothes that I have in my closet. Nice dresses that are looking better on me each time I try them on. They are dresses I plan to take on vacation. They fit, they are just looking better as my belly shrinks.

What do you guys like to do.


  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    A few months ago I would have said eat crap, now I walk the dog or workout lol
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I think about when I was at my heaviest weight and what it was like the first few days getting started and how far away anything resembling a healthy weight was. Look at how far you've come! You're almost there, just stick with it.
  • bethanyka
    bethanyka Posts: 159 Member
    When i have a good success and feel good, I buy myself flowers. I put them on my windowsill.
    I get discouraged, i look at the flowers and think, don't give up, making good choices and staying focused is "beautiful" for the mind , body and soul :)
    Keeps me feeling good and positive :)