slim fast milkshake diet ?

:) hi i just started the slim fast diet to day i was just wondering if any one has try it and if you think i will i be able to lose weight on i get 2 milkshakes ,3 snacks no higher then 100 calories and a healthy meal a day and i plan on doing exercise as well i really want to lose weight fast because im going on holiday in 2 months.


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I've done Slimfast in the past. If you stick to it, yes, you will lose weight, because Slim Fast restricts your diet to low calories. It creates a calorie deficit. However, it's not sustainable and teaches you zilch about nutrition or what your calorie needs are. Plus, some (not all) of their products taste like chalk or cardboard. Also, I wouldn't recommend exercising while on Slimfast. Slimfast doesn't give you many calories to work with, and if you exercise, you'll be depleting your much needed energy stores for daily living.
    Needless to say, I quit it. I wasn't terribly successful with it, and the taste really started getting to me.

    It's much better to eat real food. If you're using MFP, all you have to do is moderate your portions, log it into your food diary and stick to your calorie goal, which has your calorie deficit built in.

    And read:
  • ok thanks for your help
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I've done Slimfast in the past. If you stick to it, yes, you will lose weight, because Slim Fast restricts your diet to low calories. It creates a calorie deficit. However, it's not sustainable and teaches you zilch about nutrition or what your calorie needs are. Plus, some (not all) of their products taste like chalk or cardboard. Also, I wouldn't recommend exercising while on Slimfast. Slimfast doesn't give you many calories to work with, and if you exercise, you'll be depleting your much needed energy stores for daily living.
    Needless to say, I quit it. I wasn't terribly successful with it, and the taste really started getting to me.

    It's much better to eat real food. If you're using MFP, all you have to do is moderate your portions, log it into your food diary and stick to your calorie goal, which has your calorie deficit built in.

    And read:

    ^Same experience. I tried it in college (before they had the protein shakes) and just never had a lot of success with it. Lost some weight but never learned how to keep it off. I'm finding much more success by logging my food and learning how to make changes in my diet that will last.
  • jjo202
    jjo202 Posts: 9 Member
    I just started Slim Fast. I don't follow it exactly, since it is based on a 1200 calorie model and I do better on 1400. So I've just been logging the breakfast and lunch shakes and going on as usual to meet my MFP goals and limits, eating back exercise calories, etc. I don't love the flavor of the shakes, I don't like how processed they are, and I don't like how much sugar is in them, but for now they're an easy meal replacement with a multi-vitamin built in, so I figured I'd stick with it for a few weeks and see what happens.

    As it turns out, the weight is falling off like crazy! 4 lbs this week.

    I know most of it must be water weight, both because it's impossible for someone my size to lose that much "real" weight in so little time on a calorie deficit plan and because I've followed a 1400 calorie plan many times before when it was time to shed a few pounds and it usually gives me a healthy, regular loss of .5-1 lb per week. But for now, it's incredibly motivating to see the pounds come off so fast.

    Has anyone else had this experience with Slim Fast? Did the (water) weight come right back as soon as you went off the shakes?
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    You can lose weight on shakes. But if you're like I used to be and terrified of the kitchen, you'd be doing yourself a bigger favor to spend that shake money on cookbooks and ingredients. Learn now while you're young, don't end up in my aging lady shoes and just now getting comfy with the idea of dishes that don't involve a hamburger bun.
  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    I personally really, really like the chocolate Royale flavor, don't like the flavors of the others.

    You won't learn proper nutrition if you only eat the shakes and prepackaged snacks -- yeah, it's eating candy all day but you won't learn what a 2-300 calorie breakfast is, or what a 100 calorie snack is, etc. my advice, if you're going to do this, is have your snacks come from food, not the bars. 100 calories of carrot sticks, 100 calories of apple wedges, etc. Then you start to learn what portions are rather than having to eat those bars for the rest of your life.

    (Obviously, the 100 calorie example is a rule of thumb and adheres to slimfast's 1200 calorie diet plan. Your needs may differ.)

    I couldn't get past the whole "eating candy all day" thing. I can't do any meal replacement bars because of that reason - psychologically a candy bar isn't a meal and even though there are more nutrients in those bars than a snickers it still visually looked and kinda tasted like candy. The shakes are a little easier to deal with for me but if I have them it's if I'm in a hurry and need something quick while I'm walking out the door or if I want, like, a milk shake or something.
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    The first time I dropped a substantial amount of weight, it was with Slim Fast. I lost about 70 lbs in 6 months.

    That being said. It was the WORST.

    Not only was I nutritionally deficient, I was always light headed, weak, and starving.

    Once I stopped drinking the 2-a-day shakes, ALL the weight came back, plus 20 pounds. I hadn't learned the nutritional or portioning skills I needed to be successful in the long term. The shakes are just another quick fix, I'm afraid.

    Sure they taste great, but you can't drink them the rest of your life.

    If I was you, I'd focus on calories instead. By focusing on lowering my calories consistently, I've managed to lose almost 30 lbs in 11 weeks without feeling weak, light-headed or hungry all the time. There's no trick, it isn't magic. And this is by FAR more sustainable in the long run.

    Best of luck with your loss.
  • kelzz27
    kelzz27 Posts: 21 Member
    I am currently doing the slimfast diet for the last 10 weeks and have lost 20 pounds.

    I don't ever get hungry...I guess everyone's different.
    I like the thought of having a shake for breakfast and lunch, as I can't eat breakfast at 6.30am as its too early, and it's easy to have at work as we don't get lunch breaks so it's quick for me to drink.

    Feel free to add me :-)
  • sianie89
    sianie89 Posts: 1 Member
    Im thinking of doing slimfast shakes and adding blended fruit into it for lunch and breakfast, having some sort of meat/fish with boiled veg rice or potatoes for dinner.and fuit throughout the day for snacks.

    Would this be a healthier way to lose the weight with slim fast?
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I like to eat my calories with actual food.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    sianie89 wrote: »
    Im thinking of doing slimfast shakes and adding blended fruit into it for lunch and breakfast, having some sort of meat/fish with boiled veg rice or potatoes for dinner.and fuit throughout the day for snacks.

    Would this be a healthier way to lose the weight with slim fast?

    Sure, you could make a smoothie.

    Just count your calories. Fruit is not "free".
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Meh... my opinion is what will you do when you start eating real food again and possibly gain because you didn't learn how to portion out and moderate your food intake... not to mention, I would rather eat food that tastes good rather than drink shakes I can take or leave.
  • angelinhell
    angelinhell Posts: 56 Member
    Slim fast is just too restrictive! The milkshakes have around 200 calories in them. For breakfast I had toast with spread cheese, ham and hot chocolate for less than that. Why just have a shake? I am sticking to 1200 calories a day and I am eating "normal" food. Dinners are things like wrap pizza, chicken, chips and mushy peas, chicken in blackbean sauce, jacket potatoes and cheese.... all under 400 calories. You can do sooooooooooo much more with 1200 cals than just drink it! Not eating just makes me grumpy.