CrossFit and Lifting friends

Hello all- I want to add more friends that enjoy what I enjoy! I CrossFit 5 days a week and LOVE to lift! ! ! ! ! Please friend me. (I also 5:2 fast and do Heavy Protein) lol


  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    I am hijacking your thread with you :) I do it 3 days a week and love it also. Would love to have more friends who do crossfit :)
  • I know I might sound like one of the 'haters', but I would like to warn you.

    First of all, crossfit by itself is already a big gamble with your body. The problem with crossfit comes from the fact that people are doing weighted exercises as fast as possible and do as many reps as possible. Often this is even accompanied with extremely bad technique and form (examples are kipping in basically everything and the numerous crossfit fail video's on youtube where both the professional and starting athletes are trying to get straight to snap city) because of the crossfit mindset that pushes people too far above their bodily boundaries. You might think you have a great trainer, but remember that he/she only followed a course of 2 days to get his certification.

    * For example this video:

    Now you are even doing this 5 times per week. Who told you this was even remotely OK? Even if you don't do crossfit you shouldn't train more than 3x/week as a beginner, your body needs rest to recover and if it doesn't get enough rest you might end up with ****ed up joints, rhabdomyolisis (see 'Uncle Rhabdo', mascot of crossfit).
  • The_Godwin_72
    The_Godwin_72 Posts: 102 Member
    You are kind for the warning- I'm up for listening to all people. I go to my Sports doctors and have been lifting since 2006. I am 41 and all test, xrays, MRI are always fine- I am 1005 joint pain free and I get plenty of rest. I appreciate you taking time to post and I will look in to your points further.
  • The_Godwin_72
    The_Godwin_72 Posts: 102 Member
    and you don't sound like a "Hater" you sound well spoken- like my biometrics friend.
  • AnotherXFitGuy
    AnotherXFitGuy Posts: 58 Member
    I know I might sound like one of the 'haters', but I would like to warn you.

    First of all, crossfit by itself is already a big gamble with your body. The problem with crossfit comes from the fact that people are doing weighted exercises as fast as possible and do as many reps as possible. Often this is even accompanied with extremely bad technique and form (examples are kipping in basically everything and the numerous crossfit fail video's on youtube where both the professional and starting athletes are trying to get straight to snap city) because of the crossfit mindset that pushes people too far above their bodily boundaries. You might think you have a great trainer, but remember that he/she only followed a course of 2 days to get his certification.

    * For example this video:

    Now you are even doing this 5 times per week. Who told you this was even remotely OK? Even if you don't do crossfit you shouldn't train more than 3x/week as a beginner, your body needs rest to recover and if it doesn't get enough rest you might end up with ****ed up joints, rhabdomyolisis (see 'Uncle Rhabdo', mascot of crossfit).

    The same can be said for every exercise program in existence. Mountain bikers die in crashes, gymnasts fall, even non-crossfit weight lifters injure themselves. If you have good trainers, a clean facility and you enjoy it, use common sense and have a blast. The primary programming in Crossfit calls for 5 days a week...2 on 1 off, 3 on 1 off. You just have to pay attention to "your" body and check the ego at the door.
  • The_Godwin_72
    The_Godwin_72 Posts: 102 Member
    I am hijacking your thread with you :) I do it 3 days a week and love it also. Would love to have more friends who do crossfit :)

    You are not Jacking- I love having you!
  • Allright, you guys sound reasonable :) Stay safe!
  • The_Godwin_72
    The_Godwin_72 Posts: 102 Member
    I will say this- if you find GOOD Coach's (like mine) they BUST me when I have bad form, they make me do less weight, they step in front of me to slow me down. They have really shown me I am the only person I need to beat. I am very lucky to have them!
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    I will say this- if you find GOOD Coach's (like mine) they BUST me when I have bad form, they make me do less weight, they step in front of me to slow me down. They have really shown me I am the only person I need to beat. I am very lucky to have them!

    Totally agree. It's all in the coaching. I am very blessed also in that aspect :)
  • _BearNecessities_
    _BearNecessities_ Posts: 432 Member
    I know I might sound like one of the 'haters', but I would like to warn you.

    First of all, crossfit by itself is already a big gamble with your body. The problem with crossfit comes from the fact that people are doing weighted exercises as fast as possible and do as many reps as possible. Often this is even accompanied with extremely bad technique and form (examples are kipping in basically everything and the numerous crossfit fail video's on youtube where both the professional and starting athletes are trying to get straight to snap city) because of the crossfit mindset that pushes people too far above their bodily boundaries. You might think you have a great trainer, but remember that he/she only followed a course of 2 days to get his certification.

    * For example this video:

    Now you are even doing this 5 times per week. Who told you this was even remotely OK? Even if you don't do crossfit you shouldn't train more than 3x/week as a beginner, your body needs rest to recover and if it doesn't get enough rest you might end up with ****ed up joints, rhabdomyolisis (see 'Uncle Rhabdo', mascot of crossfit).

    I love when people jump on any Crossfit thread to warn us stupid Crossfitters who apparently can't read or make informed decisions on our own.

    I find it laughable that you use YouTube Crossfit fail videos to back up your assertions. You clearly also have no idea how much training Crossfit coaches actually have. Yes, the certification course is one weekend, but the bar exam is only a couple of days as well. Does that mean that is all the education lawyers have?? Of course not.

    As for "Uncle Rhabdo" being the mascot of Crossfit, not so much. If you push yourself too far, too fast doing ANYTHING, that can be a result. But most boxes are focused on form and safety first, weight and speed second. And if someone attends a box that DOESN'T approach things that way, they need to find a new box.

    So, I'm curious about one thing, norulesjustplay. How many Crossfit workouts - at an actual Crossfit box, not in your buddy's garage - have you done?
  • The_Godwin_72
    The_Godwin_72 Posts: 102 Member
    I friended him- everyone is helpful in there own way. Opening others eyes with some education is important TX. You sir have FIRE! I dig that- may I friend you?
  • The_Godwin_72
    The_Godwin_72 Posts: 102 Member
    Can't we all just get along?? lol- it's like anything else people only know what others say- like PitBulls- some fear them for no personal reason however they can become the BIGGEST fan! lets hold hands and sing Kumbaya !
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    I know I might sound like one of the 'haters', but I would like to warn you.

    First of all, crossfit by itself is already a big gamble with your body. The problem with crossfit comes from the fact that people are doing weighted exercises as fast as possible and do as many reps as possible. Often this is even accompanied with extremely bad technique and form (examples are kipping in basically everything and the numerous crossfit fail video's on youtube where both the professional and starting athletes are trying to get straight to snap city) because of the crossfit mindset that pushes people too far above their bodily boundaries. You might think you have a great trainer, but remember that he/she only followed a course of 2 days to get his certification.

    * For example this video:

    Now you are even doing this 5 times per week. Who told you this was even remotely OK? Even if you don't do crossfit you shouldn't train more than 3x/week as a beginner, your body needs rest to recover and if it doesn't get enough rest you might end up with ****ed up joints, rhabdomyolisis (see 'Uncle Rhabdo', mascot of crossfit).

    I love when people jump on any Crossfit thread to warn us stupid Crossfitters who apparently can't read or make informed decisions on our own.

    I find it laughable that you use YouTube Crossfit fail videos to back up your assertions. You clearly also have no idea how much training Crossfit coaches actually have. Yes, the certification course is one weekend, but the bar exam is only a couple of days as well. Does that mean that is all the education lawyers have?? Of course not.

    As for "Uncle Rhabdo" being the mascot of Crossfit, not so much. If you push yourself too far, too fast doing ANYTHING, that can be a result. But most boxes are focused on form and safety first, weight and speed second. And if someone attends a box that DOESN'T approach things that way, they need to find a new box.

    So, I'm curious about one thing, norulesjustplay. How many Crossfit workouts - at an actual Crossfit box, not in your buddy's garage - have you done?

    You missed the part where the OP thanked norulesjustplay, stated her case and his response was "Sounds like you know what you're doing. Stay safe!"

    (sometimes it helps to not just hit reply and actually read a bit more) :flowerforyou:
  • _BearNecessities_
    _BearNecessities_ Posts: 432 Member
    I know I might sound like one of the 'haters', but I would like to warn you.

    First of all, crossfit by itself is already a big gamble with your body. The problem with crossfit comes from the fact that people are doing weighted exercises as fast as possible and do as many reps as possible. Often this is even accompanied with extremely bad technique and form (examples are kipping in basically everything and the numerous crossfit fail video's on youtube where both the professional and starting athletes are trying to get straight to snap city) because of the crossfit mindset that pushes people too far above their bodily boundaries. You might think you have a great trainer, but remember that he/she only followed a course of 2 days to get his certification.

    * For example this video:

    Now you are even doing this 5 times per week. Who told you this was even remotely OK? Even if you don't do crossfit you shouldn't train more than 3x/week as a beginner, your body needs rest to recover and if it doesn't get enough rest you might end up with ****ed up joints, rhabdomyolisis (see 'Uncle Rhabdo', mascot of crossfit).

    I love when people jump on any Crossfit thread to warn us stupid Crossfitters who apparently can't read or make informed decisions on our own.

    I find it laughable that you use YouTube Crossfit fail videos to back up your assertions. You clearly also have no idea how much training Crossfit coaches actually have. Yes, the certification course is one weekend, but the bar exam is only a couple of days as well. Does that mean that is all the education lawyers have?? Of course not.

    As for "Uncle Rhabdo" being the mascot of Crossfit, not so much. If you push yourself too far, too fast doing ANYTHING, that can be a result. But most boxes are focused on form and safety first, weight and speed second. And if someone attends a box that DOESN'T approach things that way, they need to find a new box.

    So, I'm curious about one thing, norulesjustplay. How many Crossfit workouts - at an actual Crossfit box, not in your buddy's garage - have you done?

    You missed the part where the OP thanked norulesjustplay, stated her case and his response was "Sounds like you know what you're doing. Stay safe!"

    (sometimes it helps to not just hit reply and actually read a bit more) :flowerforyou:

    No, I read that part. Doesn't change my response one iota.
  • Flab2Fab27
    Flab2Fab27 Posts: 461 Member
    I know I might sound like one of the 'haters', but I would like to warn you.

    First of all, crossfit by itself is already a big gamble with your body. The problem with crossfit comes from the fact that people are doing weighted exercises as fast as possible and do as many reps as possible. Often this is even accompanied with extremely bad technique and form (examples are kipping in basically everything and the numerous crossfit fail video's on youtube where both the professional and starting athletes are trying to get straight to snap city) because of the crossfit mindset that pushes people too far above their bodily boundaries. You might think you have a great trainer, but remember that he/she only followed a course of 2 days to get his certification.

    * For example this video:

    Now you are even doing this 5 times per week. Who told you this was even remotely OK? Even if you don't do crossfit you shouldn't train more than 3x/week as a beginner, your body needs rest to recover and if it doesn't get enough rest you might end up with ****ed up joints, rhabdomyolisis (see 'Uncle Rhabdo', mascot of crossfit).

  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    You clearly also have no idea how much training Crossfit coaches actually have. Yes, the certification course is one weekend, but the bar exam is only a couple of days as well. Does that mean that is all the education lawyers have?? Of course not.

    Did you just seriously compare a certification that someone can obtain over a weekend to a degree/education that someone has to go to college/study for 2-4 years to pass? LOL!!! Wow! Lame comparison there, but thanks anyway for the laugh.
  • _BearNecessities_
    _BearNecessities_ Posts: 432 Member
    You clearly also have no idea how much training Crossfit coaches actually have. Yes, the certification course is one weekend, but the bar exam is only a couple of days as well. Does that mean that is all the education lawyers have?? Of course not.

    Did you just seriously compare a certification that someone can obtain over a weekend to a degree/education that someone has to go to college/study for 2-4 years to pass? LOL!!! Wow! Lame comparison there, but thanks anyway for the laugh.

    No, I compared a certification class to a bar exam. The bar exam is two days; the education takes years. Crossfit certification happens over a weekend but most coaches have been getting their education in fitness/training for years (often more than just 2-4 years). Sorry if the comparison was over your head. :flowerforyou:
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    [Crossfit certification happens over a weekend but most coaches have been getting their education in fitness/training for years (often more than just 2-4 years).

    I think part of the problem is exactly the opposite of what you're saying - It is not a requirement to have any education prior to the Crossift Level 1 Cert. A lot of the coaches really don't have any education beyond what is taught over the weekend course, and this is why we see so many bad Crossfit coaches (note I said many, not all).

    The requirements to pass the Crossfit Level 1 Certification are:

    Attend the entire 2 day course (9am-5pm) to include:
    -Exposure to all lectures.
    -Participation in all practical breakout sessions.
    -Participation in all workouts.
    -And pass the Level 1 written test.

    I think it's reasonable to say anyone who knows a little about fitness and does the above could pass it whereas to pass the Bar you need YEARS of study/college.

    So your comparison IS laughable and FAR from being over my head. :wink:
  • _BearNecessities_
    _BearNecessities_ Posts: 432 Member
    [Crossfit certification happens over a weekend but most coaches have been getting their education in fitness/training for years (often more than just 2-4 years).

    I think part of the problem is exactly the opposite of what you're saying - It is not a requirement to have any education prior to the Crossift Level 1 Cert. A lot of the coaches really don't have any education beyond what is taught over the weekend course, and this is why we see so many bad Crossfit coaches (note I said many, not all).

    The requirements to pass the Crossfit Level 1 Certification are:

    Attend the entire 2 day course (9am-5pm) to include:
    -Exposure to all lectures.
    -Participation in all practical breakout sessions.
    -Participation in all workouts.
    -And pass the Level 1 written test.

    I think it's reasonable to say anyone who knows a little about fitness and does the above could pass it whereas to pass the Bar you need YEARS of study/college.

    So your comparison IS laughable and FAR from being over my head. :wink:

    I never said it was a requirement. It is, however, a FACT that most (note I said most, not all) coaches have years of training prior to their Crossfit certification. But go ahead and enjoy your assumptions. I'll ask you the same question I asked the first guy. How many Crossfit classes - in an actual box, not your friend's garage or during a boot camp - have you been to?
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    How many Crossfit classes - in an actual box, not your friend's garage or during a boot camp - have you been to?

    I actually got a Groupon deal to try Crossfit for a month and it was in an actual "Box". I don't know what that really has to do with anything???