Its not about the scale..

Hi wonder if anyone else is in the same boat?

I have been stuck on my current weight for about 3-4 weeks. I am hitting my target calorie deficit 7 days a week. I'm doing T25, I run 3kms four evenings a week, play squash on a Wednesday at full tilt and do a 10km walk on a Sunday with the family.

I have been getting extremely frustrated, I have another 5kgs (11Lbs) to lose to hit my goal weight, until today when I realised how my body is looking so different and I need belt even in my shorts. My stomach has almost disappeared as have my moobs (man boobs)

Ive decided Im just going to keep doing what Im doing and not only focus on the scale. I also realised focusing too much on the scale is dangerous as it makes a goal weight a "destination" and once you get there you drop your guard and the next thing you know your weight is back up again. Im looking at this not as a competition with the scale any more but as a way to live, in that way I dont care whether I reach my optimum weight next week or next month, the result is that Im eating well, exercising and becoming stronger and fitter and my body is confirming my efforts.

Don't let the scale be the be all and end all!


  • mary659497
    mary659497 Posts: 483 Member
    Well said. If I could only believe it's not about the scale. Big struggle for me.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Weight stalls are frustrating to me, too, but I will take better fitting clothing over a number on a scale any day. I don't leave the house wearing my scale.
  • Lythy89
    Lythy89 Posts: 57 Member
    This is something I am just learning myself!

    Scales say my weight is roughly around the same it has been for 3 - 4 weeks now! (give or take 2 - 3 lbs) yet my work trousers I purchased about 6 - 7 weeks ago are hanging off me and im reaching new slots on my belt!

    Definitely good to just look at your body as well as weighing! stops pointless sadness when you see those numbers haven't really dropped on the scale.
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    I started my diet July 5. I have not weighed myself at all on this diet, because the scale will not reflect my honest weight at this point due to water weight loss. Because I am adhering 100% to the diet, I already know I have lost a lot of weight so far. And my clothes fit SO much better and I look much thinner. And I will be able to tell when I am right about at goal. Then I will eat for a couple of days in order for the water weight to return. Then I will weigh myself and update my ticker. Stay tuned!:smile:
  • WelshPhil1975
    WelshPhil1975 Posts: 138 Member
    I can relate to this.

    When I started this journey in March I was all about the weekly weigh-in and I focussed / obsessed on the weekly figure.

    But over the past 4½ months I have started eating better than I have in years (not just cutting down on portion sizes, but cutting out certain foods, cutting down on processed foods, all but cutting out regular salt from my diet, significantly reducing takeaways/junk food, etc), I am also far more active than ever (big shout out to my Fitbit on that score), my clothes are getting too big on me, I have been complimented on my weight loss by people who didn’t know I am dieting (so it must therefore clearly be showing) and I am feeling far more confident because of all these ticks in the correct boxes.

    I still weigh each week and I am still tracking the figure to hit my goal, but I have long stopped obsessing over it or letting, say, a quiet week on the scales get me down; I recently hit a 3 week plateau that would’ve frustrated the hell out of me before, but now I am taking it in my stride, seeing as I feel totally different than I did before I started out on the diet.

    I would be lying if I said the scales didn’t bother me anymore (I only lost ½ lb this week and it did annoy me considering I’d had a good week) but my motivation has totally switched to staying heathy and getting even healthier.
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    Yes, that scale can be EVIL! :laugh:
    I'm learning that now that I'm actually monitoring my weight loss weekly. I may cut that out.
    Good for you for sticking to your health conscious lifestyle! Congratulations! :flowerforyou:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    I agree and disagree. For me it is mostly about how much better I feel and that my weight no longer keeps me from doing what I want to do. But, on the other hand, I'm still in the "overweight" category. And when I started 13 months ago, I set my weight goal as 145. And I'm way too stubborn to stop before I see that number on my scale.
  • roxywho42
    roxywho42 Posts: 165 Member
    I do weigh myself, but it's sporadic and I don't really much care. In the last couple months I've lost something like 15 pounds, but I've gone from a tight size 12 to a comfy 8. Nobody sees my scale, everyone sees my *kitten*! I only even have a goal weight put down because this site demands it. I think my actual goal is size 4, but we'll see what my body does and if I'm happy at a 4 or not. I have a lot of muscle, so I doubt it's actually going to take getting to 115 to hit size 4, especially when I'm at 8 and still weigh 187.