Jillian 6 wk 6 pack, level 2... OH.MY.GOODNESS.

Ok, so this is a 6-week program.... level 1 for three weeks, level 2 for three weeks, no problem.

BUT! I've only been on level 2 for two days and I'm seriously about to die :(
For the first time yesterday in a full month, I didn't complete the elliptical because I was just too 'broke down' from that dang 35 minute workout. WTHeck?

I actually dreaded going to sleep last night thinking about getting up this morning and having to do this evil dvd. I'm determined to finish the 6 weeks, but honestly blown away by how hard this second level is for me :(

Has anyone else done these? If so, please tell me level 2 gets easier :)


  • FayCBurton
    FayCBurton Posts: 2 Member
    Some of the Jillian Michaels workouts are too intense for some of us. I have been looking at them and plan to start with the very easies one and working up. Thanks for inspiring me to do this today. Good Luck, Fay.:smile:
  • stacief82
    stacief82 Posts: 109 Member
    Today is my last day of the 1st week of leve 1. While I can't comment on level 2, I think I will spend longer than 3 weeks on level 1. I was looking for something that would give me a good core workout in a reasonable amount of time and this video fits the bill!
  • prism1968
    prism1968 Posts: 121 Member
    Good luck with your journey and best wishes for you, Fay!
    I have several of her other DVDs (30 Day Shred, Trouble Zones, etc.), but have NEVER struggled with a workout like I have this level 2 ab workout... sheesh, it makes me feel like such a weakling, lol :)
    Search My Fitness Pal for Jillian and I remember someone putting together a ranking of Jillian's dvds from easiest to most difficult. I wish I'd done that!
  • prism1968
    prism1968 Posts: 121 Member
    Today is my last day of the 1st week of leve 1. While I can't comment on level 2, I think I will spend longer than 3 weeks on level 1. I was looking for something that would give me a good core workout in a reasonable amount of time and this video fits the bill!

    My boyfriend is doing this with me, and he's retired Army and HE was dying lol! We both said there should have been an intermediate level between 1 and 2, like 1.5 ;)
    It really is a big jump and we were both feeling pretty confident with level 1.
  • FayCBurton
    FayCBurton Posts: 2 Member
    Sounds like a good idea. I'll do it. Thanks