
I'm 5'6 and now 200lbs. The heaviest I've ever been.. I've been on this site for a couple years and have fluctuated all over the place. My weight kept coming back and I gave up on this site. Now this is where Im at and I hate myself, I feel horrid in my body and hate looking in the mirror. I had my current love interest call me fat and I'm feeling devastated and so low on myself.
I'm lost with not a clue as to what to do right now... I need support and the type of support that know exactly what needs to happen for me to see the best results. I cant afford a trainer or nutritionist, so I am desperately turning to you all on this site for support.


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    (a) Your worth as an individual is not based on your weight.

    (b) Read this:

    (c) come back and ask us any questions you have
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    I can tell you from personal experience that you won't become happy with yourself when you lose weight because it's not about the weight. Like WBB55 said, your worth is not based on your weight!

    That being said, I know what it's like to be unhappy and overweight. You don't need fancy equipment or experts to help you get fit and healthy, what you need is CONSISTENCY. Consistently track, consistently work out and trust the process. It may not happen quickly but if you follow that, it WILL happen. Positive attitude + action = success!

    Feel free to friend me if you wish!