New to weight loss ... need some buddies! :)

Hi all :)

I've never really seriously tried to lose weight before. I've dieted for a few weeks here and there randomly but never made any real efforts to change. When I lived alone I was comfortable at around 198-210lbs (5'9 tall, UK size 16/18) but since I moved in with my partner a mixture of his eating habits and my being depressed have caused me to go up to 285lbs and a UK size 20/22 which I am just not comfortable with. I've managed to lose around 7lb so far and now have joined here to go further.

I think I've finally reached the point where I accept that I need to and WANT to make changes.
I've decided that I am going to aim for a goal weight of 198lbs to start with ... as that is where I have felt the best in the past and then once I get there I will re-assess and consider aiming for around 178lbs.

So 80lb to go! I'm giving myself a year to achieve this as I feel that this is a healthy, realistic timescale. But if I can do it faster then i'll be happy.

I've set myself a 1600 calorie a day target for now ... to be reassessed in a few weeks.
For this month I'm just working on changing my eating habits.
Then in August I'm going to start doing more exercise like walking the dog more, home fitness etc.
September I'm going to join the gym and start doing some regular work outs there.

So yeah - sorry for the length but there's me! Looking forward to getting interactive on these forums as I feel like the motivation and support will help me go further and faster.

Here's to [hopefully] making some new friends and losing the weight! :) xx