I'm back..again! needing motivating friends add me :)

AshMGladue Posts: 13 Member
Hi! My names Ashley..I'm 25 and I love love MFP so much! It helped me lose 40 pounds back in 2011! I maintained that weight for 2 years then I moved and gained 15 pounds back because I stopped using mfp :( so I'm back and very motivated (finally). It always helps to have that support so add me if you'd like and we can help each other in this journey!


  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    Welcome back! I started back a couple of weeks ago and have already lost 10 pounds. You can do it! I'm sending you a friend request.
  • basicbaby
    basicbaby Posts: 7
    Same here. Lost 40lbs back in 2011 before my wedding, then I got married, started school on top of work, had a baby, got super sick for a year and half. I put on 30lb of that original weight back. *sigh*
  • SasssyJazzy
    Hi Ladies,

    I was on MFP in 2011 but although it kept me well aware of what i was eating, I don't find that it helped me a lot. I lost about 20lbs last year and have gained 15 of them back :( I would love to hear feedback and advise on how to use MFP for motivation and help. Feel free to add me!