I know it's because she love's me...

But my mom's really been getting on my nerves about me trying to loose weight. Every time I see her she tells me "you've lost enough, don't lose anymore" then she will grab whatever person we are near and try to get them to agree with her.

She catches herself and appologizes, but it makes me irritated and even gets a little embarassing because I'm still fat! I'm still considered overweight, i still have a high BMI and not alot of muscle, I'm still wearing size XL everything and I can't help but be a girl sometimes and when I hear her say that think "wow, i must have been way fat if she thinks I look good now, because I have a long way to go!"

I know she doesn't mean it...Im just venting - family can be the worst sometimes and they don't mean it. My sister just gave me a quick "wow you've lost alot of weight, i generally don't notice it on people unless they lose a significant amount, and i notice it on you". Sure, this could have been taken all sorts of ways by me - but i took it as a compliment - simple, and to the point, she pointed out that I lost alot of weight, but didn't make me feel like man, I was a cow, like my mom is making me feel by continously poijting out the fact that I've lost enough, when i clearly have more to lose, and most definetly, much to tone up... I kinda just wish she would shut up about it, especially in public.

Sometimes, i would prefer if people just didn't even bring up the fact that Ive lost at all, because I havent lost that much, so it makes me feel like I must have been this hige blob in their eyes! Ghah!


  • beertrollruss
    beertrollruss Posts: 276 Member
    As long as you feel good and you're doing what you want, keep doing it. Friends and family can often be the hardest part about losing weight. Sometimes you just have to ignore them and keep pressing on.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    my mom does the same. its extremely annoying, if it was anyone else i would have told them to *kitten* off many times already, the "no mom, im still overweight, look at these man titties" just doesnt seem to sink in no matter how many times i say it
  • YamaMaya1
    YamaMaya1 Posts: 49 Member
    I've not experienced anything like this, but I think it's because of my stronger personality traits. If someone told me I've lost "enough" weight, I'd ask them how the hell do they know. No one knows my weight and measurements but me.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    I've not experienced anything like this, but I think it's because of my stronger personality traits. If someone told me I've lost "enough" weight, I'd ask them how the hell do they know. No one knows my weight and measurements but me.
    you just wait. it'll come.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    If she is just worried about you and being motherly then I would talk to her about your goals. I am sure you have a goal weight in mind and a "body image" you are shooting for. Maybe sit down and say this is where I want to be and this is where I am. See if you can come up with some pictures of other women with similar stats as you at your goal weight. Seeing other healthy women at your goal weight might help her understand better.

    It might just take her some time to get used to the new you.

    ETA: also make sure she knows how much this means to you and how her comments make you feel. My guess is she doesn't even realize the impact she is having on you and would regret her comments if she did.
  • So sorry for your frustrations, but GOOD JOB on your work so far! :) I have two family members who make comments like your mom, also, both of them are overweight. Is your mom? I feel it's a form of projection and it bugs the crap outta me because it contributes to the popular generalization that many fat people are trying to "normalize" being overweight and pressure others into their complacency to feel better about themselves. Not saying that's your moms subconscious objective or anything like that, it's just what bothers me personally about my family's similar comments. I weigh over 200 lbs for goodness sake, not sure if they think their being complementary or what. Don't let it get you down, seems like you have the right level of self awareness to get the job done! Good luck and strong will to you! :)
  • MissMissle
    MissMissle Posts: 293 Member
    Thanks guys - my mom is pretty fit - she does kickboxing every day... she's in much better shape than I am though she also argues that I must have a much stronger core than her from riding and I keep trying to explain that it's what you are used too...yes, she would fall off my horse within 10 seconds, but I would also drop in a heap of sweat and exhaustion after 10 seconds of kick boxing.... it's all what you do / what you are used to.

    I think she's just seen me fat since Ive been a little kid... I donno, I mean, hell I've had 4 hot fudge sundaes in the past 4 weeks so its not like Im not the fun one to eat with anymore haha! I just need her to stop saying it to other people - I keep mentioning it and she keeps doing it, then appologixing for being "motherly" and Im just like GAH please stop!

    Maybe next time Ill grab a good hunk of stomach rolls off my belly and place them in her hand...
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    my mom does the same. its extremely annoying, if it was anyone else i would have told them to *kitten* off many times already, the "no mom, im still overweight, look at these man titties"st doesnt seem to sink in no matter how many times i say it

    lol I've had to say the same thing to my mom(s)
  • Maybe next time Ill grab a good hunk of stomach rolls off my belly and place them in her hand...

    Hahaha! I'm going to have to try this too! Yeah, that would make me pretty uncomfortable in front of strangers too!