I don't own scales or a measuring tape...



  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    I don't see a problem with weighing when you see the doctor (especially when you see him more than once per year) or going by how you feel when you're more or less where you want to be. I'm not quite there yet but hope to eventually.
  • ErisDyscordia
    ErisDyscordia Posts: 50 Member
    If you think having a scale/tape measure might hurt your progress, DON'T DO IT. It isn't so much about the numbers (tho they can help be a good indicator) more than about how you look/feel/how your clothes fit.

    If you are good at tracking your activity and measuring your food carefully, you will be able to lose and not have to worry about whether or not the scale will be higher the next time you go to the doc (as it WILL be lower).

    Do what YOU think will work best for you. I personally love to weigh myself daily, but then I am data scientist and love more data points. I know this method doesn't work for a lot of people becasue some days you weigh more or less due to natrual fluctuations. It really is all about what you think you need.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    A scale and measuring tape are used to record 2 different things. Using data from both devices combined can give you a more accurate picture on how your body is changing versus using 1 alone.

    So imagine using none at all. All you are left with is your own perception of how you look / feel in your clothes and in the mirror.

    If you are fine with that, then alright then. Save your $20 and buy other stuff.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    All you need is something to track your progress, be that a scales, measuring tape, calipers, or simply your clothes as you suggest. Beyond that its only how often you feel it best to check yourself with any of the previous. Some people get a little too anal here I think, and the bottom line is you need to find what works best for you, and have *some* way of tracking your progress, so you know how you're getting along.

    Myself, I weigh myself every morning, but the scales I have is quite consistent, so no wild fluctuations for no reason, and to be honest part of it is a curiousity thing about my weight, and learning more about when it goes up or down. For example, my diet and exercise each day is pretty consistent, yet the manner in which my weight drops isn't, so I don't worry about expecting to see a regular and linear drop in my weight, as I know it goes in fits and starts, much like weight seems to go on it seems. The other reason for my daily weighing, is once I lose this weight I plan to, I don't plan to see it creep back on, and plan to nip weight gain in the bud as soon as I notice it :)
  • glc1990
    glc1990 Posts: 22
    Step 1 - Go to the Dollar Store
    Step 2 - Buy a measuring tape

    I live in London so unfortunately Dollar Stores don't exist here :)

    On a serious note though, a lot of you have said it doesn't matter whether I track my lbs/inches or not but some say it does... I can't quite decide whether I want to or not as I can get quite obsessive and beat myself up if I don't lose an expected amount of weight or inches every week or fortnight or whenever. At the moment I'm quite happy just tracking my calories but part of me says I should be tracking my lbs/inches too. Don't know!

    It's nice to have an impersonal measurement strategy when you think that nothing is happening. I'm sure London has shops where you can buy a tape measure for less than a pound.

    I'm not sure if something has been misinterpreted here but the cost of a measuring tape/scales is not any issue - I'm aware of how much things cost; true re. having something to use when I'm not sure if anything is happening but the point is that I can become obsessive and let the inches/lbs on the scale control my moods and I don't want that to happen again.
  • glc1990
    glc1990 Posts: 22
    All you need is something to track your progress, be that a scales, measuring tape, calipers, or simply your clothes as you suggest. Beyond that its only how often you feel it best to check yourself with any of the previous. Some people get a little too anal here I think, and the bottom line is you need to find what works best for you, and have *some* way of tracking your progress, so you know how you're getting along.

    Myself, I weigh myself every morning, but the scales I have is quite consistent, so no wild fluctuations for no reason, and to be honest part of it is a curiousity thing about my weight, and learning more about when it goes up or down. For example, my diet and exercise each day is pretty consistent, yet the manner in which my weight drops isn't, so I don't worry about expecting to see a regular and linear drop in my weight, as I know it goes in fits and starts, much like weight seems to go on it seems. The other reason for my daily weighing, is once I lose this weight I plan to, I don't plan to see it creep back on, and plan to nip weight gain in the bud as soon as I notice it :)

    I've been taking underwear photos in my mirror so I suppose that is a tracking tool of some sort. Thanks for your input!! :)

    In response to the person who said I shouldn't be asking strangers on the internet for advice, I'm trying to work out what works best for me, and I like to listen to other peoples' viewpoints - that is why I've come to these message boards for advice. I've been pretty much socially inactive on MFP for the past couple of years (I first joined in May 2012 I think) but read the message boards frequently for ideas, success stories etc.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Here's something I always tell my clients:

    If you are wearing the clothes you want to wear (fitting), liking the way you look, and getting compliments on it, then does the measurement of weight or inches really matter?

    Trying to "fit" into what is "considered" the correct weight and measurements for your body type and height (by social media and magazines) is part of the reason people (especially women) pursue relentlessly these goals to feel more "beautiful" or "accepted".

    I like the "could care less what others do" approach much better. If you don't need a scale or tape, don't get one.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    I've been taking underwear photos in my mirror so I suppose that is a tracking tool of some sort. Thanks for your input!! :)

    Just make sure you do it with consistency. Doesn't matter how often so much as tracking yourself at the same time. For example I weigh myself first thing in the morning after I use the bathroom, as I figure this is a good way to evaluate things before any food or water goes into my system, thus scale readings should be consistent. Whenever you take pics of yourself, you should aim to do it at the same time when you do it, as you don't want any weight fluctuations which we all have throughout the day, to be a factor :)

    As for your method, I think its all about what makes you happy, after all, we all want to lose weight usually to feel better about our bodies. I might use a scales and have target weights in mind, but to be honest when I reach the point when I look in the mirror and I feel I would not be happy dropping any more weight, thats when I shall stop losing, no matter what the current weight targets I have in mind now, say :)
  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    I have a scale, but the closest I come to using a tape measure is when I put my belt on in the morning. That I am almost ready to move it in one more notch tells me I'm losing off my belly, which is where my fat is centered.
  • penny0919
    penny0919 Posts: 123 Member
    This might be a stupid question but doesn't a person need to regularly update their MFP weight so that their calories get adjusted accordingly?
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    its kind of amusing how many people think this post is about money.

    OP knowing how much i sometimes obsess about those monitors, and how often i have to tell myself that i know i am changing even if the scale doesnt.... and how trying on clothes at a store tells me more tnan my scale does...

    i would say. if you can do it, more power to ya. you said you dont have much to lose. you can always buy them later.

    no reason you have to live by everyone elses rules.

    the only thing i would be concerned about is that there is a lot of trial and error on this site because of all the different ways your calories get set, and it would be hard to tell week by week if it is working or if you have to tweak the calorie goal.