Moms must stick together!

I have 70lbs of baby weight to lose, and anyone with a baby, or children, know the struggle! I have a 6 month old son, and being naughty with food is all too easy with exhaustion that comes from caring for a baby. With little to no sleep or time to balance out meals/exercise, weight can seem impossible to lose, but with support... it can be possible!


  • sstermole
    sstermole Posts: 37 Member
    Amen, sister! LOL I have a 7 month old daugher, and a 3 year old son. I have 65-70 pounds left to go, but have managed to lose 42 so far! Support and accountability is KEY!!

    Feel free to add me!
  • xJSMommy11
    xJSMommy11 Posts: 14
    42lbs thats awesome!! I have lost 0 LOL!
    I'm just now actually getting into the kick... I let it go to far, and added on a couple more lbs to the baby weight I put on haha.
  • focused8152
    i can't blame my weight on my babies anymore they are 9 and 6. But just keeping up with kids busy schedules is hard enough to keep up on a diet/exercise plan. I have lost 20# so far. Still about 50-60 to go!!! Good luck to everyone! Glad to have support on here. Please feel free to add me.
  • xJSMommy11
    xJSMommy11 Posts: 14
    Even losing 5 lbs makes a difference! More than that is awesome in my book! Its hard to lose with kids, I was a nanny before having my son, and I raised my goddaughter... it was hard to balance my time, food, and exercise... No matter what age the kids are lol.
  • xJSMommy11
    xJSMommy11 Posts: 14
    wow these boards go fast lol
  • vmlabute
    vmlabute Posts: 311 Member
    You're taking a step in the right direction being on MFP :) Everyone here has been super supportive and they are my new family. I have an almost 3 year old and although I was in good shape during my pregnancy, something changed AFTER having a baby. It doesn't get any easier as they grow but the most important thing is that you need to take time to breathe and take care of yourself, even if it's 30min out of the day (take a brisk walk). Here to support you every step of the way!!