Woooooo! BOOTY!



  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    It sounds to me like a few people on here are jealous that they haven't received such "objectification" from others. If it makes you feel good than I am happy for you. What woman doesn't like to know that someone has "checked her out" once in a while, especially if you have went most of your life without that kind of attention.

    Pretty much entirely no. For some women, it's the most unwelcome part of losing weight.

    How is this different to the same guys leaning out of a car and shouting at a woman that she's fat? It's just the other side of the same coin.
    Because calling someone "fat" is usually done with the intent of causing emotional pain and negative feelings, and situations like she expressed, are not. So yeah, it is the other side of the coin...as in the opposite of negativity.

    Why do you feel you have the right to come and downplay someones feel-good victory just because you don't agree with getting admiration in a less tactful way?

    Yes, well said. That's exactly what I'd have said if I had the ability to string a sentence together. I hope OP isn't feeling put down. Bring the compliments on! I live in a country where people are very insular and reserved. I'm a simple creature, I like feedback. Up to a point. The only time I don't like it is when I'm in the middle of a squat and about to drop 130lbs of barbell on the floor because someone is doing a little dance behind me and pointing at my *kitten* and looking around the the other gym buddies with a thumbs up. That really was too much. But quite a funny memory all the same.
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    Congrats! You've been objectified.


    Exactly - I don't feel I was objectified, nor do I feel I was "verbally molested." Gaaaahhhh... I suppose it would have been more gentlemanly if they had pulled up along side me and said, "Excuse me, Maam. We just wanted to take a moment out of our day to compliment you on your back side. It's very pleasing to our eyes. We appreciate it."

    But I think they were too busy getting somewhere to do this.

    To each his own, I suppose. I'm 41. Waaaayyyy too old to be getting into arguments with strangers on the internet.

    Oh - and to those of you who "get" this - thanks.

    To the rest...read my shirt. Pretty much that.

    OP, IGNORE the ignorant...the funny thing is, I already had the snide remarkers on 'ignore' - I guess I'm a great judge of character. - only saw their ignorant comments from them being quoted.

    Congrats to you!!!! Work it...41 is NOTTT old...I'm 52 and I can still rock a booty...love your success and again, congrats! Keep it up! xo
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    Congrats! You've been objectified.


    Exactly - I don't feel I was objectified, nor do I feel I was "verbally molested." Gaaaahhhh... I suppose it would have been more gentlemanly if they had pulled up along side me and said, "Excuse me, Maam. We just wanted to take a moment out of our day to compliment you on your back side. It's very pleasing to our eyes. We appreciate it."

    But I think they were too busy getting somewhere to do this.

    To each his own, I suppose. I'm 41. Waaaayyyy too old to be getting into arguments with strangers on the internet.

    Oh - and to those of you who "get" this - thanks.

    To the rest...read my shirt. Pretty much that.

    Alright, alright everyone can calm down. I was merely being flippant with my comment. I'm actually glad that she enjoyed the cat calls and it made her feel good.

    I do however see that these forums can be the polar opposite at times.

    If i started a post where i said that I saw a hot girl with a sexy booty on the street and i called out to her with some comment I would get jumped on like a spare rib. I find it funny.

    OP, if I offended you with my comment I'm truly sorry. I'm sure you're booty is fantastic and I'm glad that you took pleasure in the validation. Keep it up!

  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    This has happened to me... it was a bunch of teenagers... I did not feel good about it. Glad it brightened your day OP. :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Alright, alright everyone can calm down. I was merely being flippant with my comment. I'm actually glad that she enjoyed the cat calls and it made her feel good.

    I do however see that these forums can be the polar opposite at times.

    If i started a post where i said that I saw a hot girl with a sexy booty on the street and i called out to her with some comment I would get jumped on like a spare rib. I find it funny.

    OP, if I offended you with my comment I'm truly sorry. I'm sure you're booty is fantastic and I'm glad that you took pleasure in the validation. Keep it up!


    Ah, the double standard. It's fine if I feel good when I get catcalls, but the person yelling at me from their car is a bit of a tool. Perhaps not fair, but that's how it is.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Congrats! You've been objectified.


    Exactly - I don't feel I was objectified, nor do I feel I was "verbally molested." Gaaaahhhh... I suppose it would have been more gentlemanly if they had pulled up along side me and said, "Excuse me, Maam. We just wanted to take a moment out of our day to compliment you on your back side. It's very pleasing to our eyes. We appreciate it."

    But I think they were too busy getting somewhere to do this.

    To each his own, I suppose. I'm 41. Waaaayyyy too old to be getting into arguments with strangers on the internet.

    Oh - and to those of you who "get" this - thanks.

    To the rest...read my shirt. Pretty much that.

    Alright, alright everyone can calm down. I was merely being flippant with my comment. I'm actually glad that she enjoyed the cat calls and it made her feel good.

    I do however see that these forums can be the polar opposite at times.

    If i started a post where i said that I saw a hot girl with a sexy booty on the street and i called out to her with some comment I would get jumped on like a spare rib. I find it funny.

    OP, if I offended you with my comment I'm truly sorry. I'm sure you're booty is fantastic and I'm glad that you took pleasure in the validation. Keep it up!


    There might be a double standard, but it's not demonstrated here in this thread. It wasn't the OP who was yelling at men in the parking lot. But if that had been her story it's probable she wouldn't have been accused of verbally molesting males and there wouldn't have been calls to 'challenge misandry' or whatever nonsense.

    As for the rest of the discussion in this thread I also don't think anyone was rah-rahing the behavior of those men who made a cat-call at the OP. But part of living life is encountering other people in the world who may or may not say something you don't like right to your face. I'm sure if that had happened to me, I would have interpreted it that they were making fun of my booty, and that's because I'm self-conscience about my booty and it's axiomatic for me that no one would like it. It would have been a relief to learn from my friend what the OP learned from hers about what they actually meant with the comment. And especially after working so hard, it might even be exhilarating to know it was positive feedback from strangers who aren't 'in the know' about the struggle with physique like a support circle would be.. Acknowledging this and relating to it is not a move to encourage boys to scream at ladies about their booties in parking lots. It isn't even a comment about whether their behavior was good or bad. It's just what happened, it's a part of the story, not the moral of it.
  • roanokejoe49
    roanokejoe49 Posts: 820 Member
    It's an unconfirmed booty story without pics!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    :laugh: i can absolutely see this happening

    Congrats OP on getting fit :drinker:
  • rich347
    rich347 Posts: 508 Member
    YAY for BOOTY, great NSV
  • lngbrd
    lngbrd Posts: 279 Member
    Yeah! Pics to follow???
  • MelonJMusic
    MelonJMusic Posts: 121 Member
    LOL The jealous trolls on here make me laugh seeing as you didn't even react to those losers. You came on MFP to tell of a little confidence boost. Anyone who posts their own "successes" and doesn't think that's what they're fishing for is a hypocrite. Congrats on your rearview's progress! Oh wait...I'm objectifying you...A thousand apologies. :laugh:
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    Oh that has made me smile :D Good on you lass :D
  • Temple_Fit
    Temple_Fit Posts: 299 Member
    Baby Got Back!
  • BlondeButtercup127
    BlondeButtercup127 Posts: 750 Member
    Rock da' booty! :wink: :drinker:
  • zericaaaaa
    zericaaaaa Posts: 313 Member
    hahaha so great! that would make me happy too. even if it was a random girl telling me my booty is tight ;)

    how is this wrong if shes totally fine with it lol
  • janet_hill92
    haha this made me smile
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Lol there always has to be someone who needs to find some kind of cruelty or objectification in appreciating someones physical body. Some people are just too uptight me thinks. Appreciating a woman's physical assets does not equal seeing her as a soulless object.

    I like big butts and I can not lie
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Exactly - I don't feel I was objectified, nor do I feel I was "verbally molested." Gaaaahhhh... I suppose it would have been more gentlemanly if they had pulled up along side me and said, "Excuse me, Maam. We just wanted to take a moment out of our day to compliment you on your back side. It's very pleasing to our eyes. We appreciate it."

    I think that this spectacularly misses the point. I object to 1) the sexual objectification of a woman and 2) the celebration of that by you and others on this thread. It is not the language used. More polite language would not change the misogyny.

    It does raise an interesting point. How do posters on MFP challenge misogyny without detracting from the achievements of those celebrating a success?
    This is kind of hypocritical of you considering you have the following in your profile:
    "My motivation is to look good at work..."

    Why? So people can look at you and objectify you?
  • docklanders
    I'm still waiting for mine to be praised... :-(
  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    because booty. rockin on!
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