Anyone appetite decreased after starting mfp

For some reason my appetite has now decreased since I started mfp and counting calories.I now drink allot of water as well.Anyone feels the same


  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    When you stick to a stagnant amount and eat that for awhile, your bodies leptin levels adjust with it. It's why if you have a high calorie day, the next day you tend to be ravenous. At least, that's been my experience. It's why I never trust my hunger cues on whether I'm truly hungry or not. Some weeks, I have to really try to eat my calorie amount or change what I'm eating to meet it, others I'm wanting to dive through the pantry :P
  • rileyleigh
    rileyleigh Posts: 106 Member
    Oh definitely. Its only been a month for me, and i cannot eat the same amount of food that i used to. Even i am don't eat all day, and i am absolutely starving come dinner time, i will sit down and eat about half of what i used to consider a regular serving, and feel like i stuffed myself.

    People say that your stomach shrinks when you eat less food. I'm not sure if thats a scientifically proven event, or if people just say that because they get "full" faster. Regardless its a good thing in my opinion. I can't even eat as much as i used to even if i wanted too!

    Edit: Fixed typo.
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    definitely! there are days I don't make my calories because I am just not hungry. I no longer let the clock tell me when to eat. If I am not hungry I am not eating. I too drink a lot of water so I think that helps.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Yes. You do adjust to the lower calorie, goal, as other have mentioned.

    But I also eat better when I track and I think that has a lot to do with my hunger levels. If I'm getting a lot of protein and fiber, I don't find myself getting really hungry. If I were eating a lot of processed carbs and junk food, I'd be constantly hungry.
  • Koholint
    Koholint Posts: 104 Member
    Oh definitely. Its only been a month for me, and i cannot eat the same amount of food that i used to. Even i am don't eat all day, and i am absolutely starving come dinner time, i will sit down and eat about half of what i used to consider a regular serving, and feel like i stuffed myself.
    Came in to say the exact same thing!

    Since I've been on MFP consistently for about a month, I've been finding that my lunch I bring to work (that I used to be able to eat all of) is too much for me now. Not a problem, since I bring the excess back to eat later and it saves money!
  • Hybrice
    Hybrice Posts: 117 Member
    A few things affected my hunger when I started MFP, I think the first was my realization that I wasn't eating because I was hungry but just because it was there/it was time to eat. I now find myself turning down food, which I never used to do.

    Also, I currently take T5 fat burners in a morning, these contain an ECA stack which is known to heavily suppress hunger, so it could be that also lol!

    Either way, I do still get hunger pangs from time to time, especially the day after a good work out, but for the time being yes, I'm definitely hungry a lot less frequently than before I started.

    I'd also say the fact I have to log everything does make me actually think about whether or not I want to eat something, rather than just stuffing it down.
  • DecemberPsalm
    DecemberPsalm Posts: 97 Member
    It's weird, my calorie goal is around 1800, and I had a failed attempt a few months ago because I was STARVING all the time (I was used to daily bingeing at the time). But this second attempt is AMAZING. I'm usually skipping breakfast and eating lunch and dinner later, which helps control night-time food urges, and choosing proper filling foods of course, and my appetite has decreased a lot! It's like night and day compared to before.
  • whatyouwill
    whatyouwill Posts: 71 Member
    It's weird, my calorie goal is around 1800, and I had a failed attempt a few months ago because I was STARVING all the time (I was used to daily bingeing at the time). But this second attempt is AMAZING. I'm usually skipping breakfast and eating lunch and dinner later, which helps control night-time food urges, and choosing proper filling foods of course, and my appetite has decreased a lot! It's like night and day compared to before.

    That sounds great, however in my experience a small, healthy 200cals breakfast can do WONDERS for hunger control later in the day. As well as boosting metabolism, energy levels in the morning etc. I used to skip it, but now I incorporate it and take some cals away from my dinner allowance.
  • nusiax
    nusiax Posts: 39 Member
    Oh definitely. I started at 2200 calories per day. Was losing nice and slowly with my exercise plan. But after about a month, I noticed I was not eating my entire 2200 calories. So spoke to my Doctor and lowered my daily calories to 1800, but we discussed 1800 to 2000. So my goal is 1800, but I do not get upset with myself as long as I stay below 2000. Which I do.

    Exercise helps a great deal. But MyFitnessPal is the best. It has taught me about foods. Because some foods I would eat and I would add and I would go, OH MY, look at all those calories, and these were things I thought would be not too bad. And then some things I thought would be bad, are really not that bad. I have found it interesting.

    But I am eating more now at 1800 to 2000 calories per day than I was at 3000 calories per day, and eating a great deal better. My Doctor and Friends have noticed the difference.
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    Exercise helps a great deal. But MyFitnessPal is the best. It has taught me about foods. Because some foods I would eat and I would add and I would go, OH MY, look at all those calories, and these were things I thought would be not too bad. And then some things I thought would be bad, are really not that bad. I have found it interesting.

    Oh yes. Completely agree with this. Coming from a diet ethos of VCLD (sub 1000kcal) and ultra-low fat (nothing with more than 5% fat), this whole eat more fat and protein is incredibly interesting. For me, 3000+ kcals at 85% carb or more means I'm so hungry all the time. 1600 kcals (net) of a more balanced diet with fatty fish, cheese, full fat milk and oils means a much more sated me.

    On the stomach shrinking side, it's not true that your stomach physically shrinks when you diet, but metaphorically it does - your hormones adjust to the lower amount (if it's a sensible deficit) so you're sated at a much lower amount of food than previously.