

Hi All!

I am 45 and trying to look after

Gym 4 times a week for 2hrs and now using MFP to match the calories i expend against my intake which upto now has been guess work! movement on my plateau weight of 175lb but will use any tips to acheive my target weight of 168lb and get rid of those "love handles"....uuuurrrrggghhh!

Does anyone else think its harder to shift weight the older you get...or is it myth?


  • teddyann
    teddyann Posts: 60 Member
    It is harder!!! Welcome to MFP! You will love this site...keeps me on track everyday! :wink:
  • albalopez2007
    It's a myth! Persistant workouts and a good diet do pay off..I know, I am 50 and lost 77 lbs in 8 months! Still have 40 to go...PUSH ON!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I am a peri-menapausal woman and it is HARDER! But look at my progress! It can be done! I am finally loosing now that I got serious and logged my calories. I've never had to do that to loose weight. Welcome! You are going to be a big looser!
  • nvkatie78
    This site will help u reach all your goals. Everyone is wonderful on here.