Comfort Eating

I work away from home regularly and hate it. The hotels I stay in have no healthy options, plus because I'm miserable I comfort eat - has anyone got any good tips to help me get around this.

Much appreciated:smile:


  • crystalewhite
    crystalewhite Posts: 422 Member
    Do you have room to pack non-perishable foods to take with you? I know that won't cover every meal but it's a start.

    When we travel for vacation, and have a refrigerator in the room, I always call the front desk to come remove it's contents so I can fill it up myself with better, and much cheaper, options. Usually there is a grocery store nearby.

    Personally, I pack Quest bars, raw nuts and protein powder. I can usually fit those in my luggage pretty easily.
  • GiulianaXmas
    GiulianaXmas Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you......need to go prepared and try to remember I am a short unfit woman and not a rugby team when it comes to eating !:smile:
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I think just realizing you are not hungry and eating to comfort your self is the first step. Can you find another job where you don't travel? I hope you can bring foods with you or remind yourself to eat healthy at the stressful time of traveling.
  • kera39
    kera39 Posts: 1 Member
    Plan all your meals out ahead it helps with the impulsive/ comfort eating.
    i recently went for a weekend get away with my family and they laughed because i precooked all my food, my salads, snacks etc. Packed it into my cooler.(ice at hotel is free) that kept me on track and saved money from eating out.