Multivitamins good or bad?



  • SarahxApple
    SarahxApple Posts: 166 Member
    I think the issue with multivitamins is that people think they are a magic pill and go about with unhealthy habits. This might be why some studies show people that take multivitamins have worse health than those that don't take them.

    This. People shouldn't use them as an excuse to eat crap because of them.

    I personally take a 'run of the mill' multivitamin from a supermarket (and fish oil as I strength train) I take them mostly because I used to suffer A LOT with mouth ulcers (I think the US call them canker sores?) to the extent that I had blood tests done as they were concerned it was auto immune problems. I did some googling and a few sites mentioned it could be (one of the) B vitamin deficiency, so I started taking multivitamins and I rarely suffer with them now, so for me it works, I don't get a lot of calcium in my diet either so I boost that too.

    Some people are happy to search for the specific thing and eat more of that, I know for me that isn't sustainable so I supplement.
  • blobby10
    blobby10 Posts: 357 Member
    I take daily iron as it saves me from becoming anaemic every few months (doctors suggestion!) . I take zinc (immune system and nails) and just started with magnesium for PMT cravings. I also take a Womens multivitamin. .

    OK, so I could/should spend more time thinking about eating more balanced and vitamin enriched meals but I work, I have 3 kids and volunteer at our local rugby club 3 nights a week plus Sundays so not a lot of time left.

    I might drop the multi vitamin and take B complex instead once this packet is finished especially as Im having zinc and magnesium as well.