Those days you don't really feel like eating?

what do you do the days you don't really feel like eating anything? and when you do you eat something its full of sugar? lately i have been stressed out and have been worrying a lot over heath issues of a family member and haven't felt like eating anything but i know it's unhealthy so i just grab something quick and comforting. my comfort foods have been a few cookies here and there and some sweet tea but it still doesn't add up to my calorie goal. its in the 600- 900 calorie range. i know this is unhealthy but i just really don't feel like eating at all honestly. has anyone went threw something like this? what did you do to fix your situation?


  • xRedRockerx
    xRedRockerx Posts: 54 Member
    I've been through similar in the past as my family seems to be totally unlucky health-wise. My mum was terminally ill earlier this year and when I found out she only had a few months left I stopped exercising completely (other than walking to college) and frankly I'm glad because I got to spend time with her. Food wasn't too bad either, I always wanted breakfast and tea but I never really wanted anything in between, so I didn't bother with lunch sometimes. I didn't want to force myself to eat when I wasn't hungry (and it meant I didn't feel guilty if I wanted something else to eat after tea) but I also knew that just because I didn't feel hungry, doesn't mean I wasn't. On the days where I didn't have lunch I always made sure to carry some fruit with me and made sure it got eaten - after all, it's going to help you get vitamins and whatnot and if you're going through a stressful time then you need them - and sometimes eating them would actually make me realise I was starving, so my body wasn't suffering like it would have done otherwise. That said, if you're stressed anyway your body will be all over the place so you could find yourself putting on a few extra pounds or losing weight quicker than you expected. I wouldn't worry too much though as you need to concentrate on your health and your family member's health, so as long as you're eating something (even if it's sugar), it's better than nothing. I hope it all works out for you :)
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    I've had days in which I wanted to do nothing but eat comfort foods. I've recently had hash browns and eggs for breakfast for no other reason than I was feeling sad. But I generally try to have salad fixings on hand, including hard-boiled egg and some kind of prepared meat so that I can just grab and go. I also keep protein bars around, so that if I don't want to cook I can have one and a glass of milk and feel pretty good about eating. I don't think the occasional it of comfort food is bad, but if you don't want to rely on it you should prepare something you can just grab and go and will still make you feel okay about yourself.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Whether the food you are eating is healthy or unhealthy, all that matters is that you are eating. If you're getting your calories from cookies, fine. At least you are eating something. But make sure you are hitting the 1200 calorie mark.

    I'm sure this certain family member would want you to take care of yourself and eat properly despite their current health issues. Remember that.

  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    When I am stressed I can't eat. It's not healthy but some binge I starve. Normally after a day I can make a point to sit down with a small meal (salad with meat) and pick at that. The calories may be low, but as long as you make an effort... You will eat when you feel up to it. For me it is normally with one of my easy but quick small meals ie: salad, cottage cheese, I will finish and realize I can have a bit more. Trying even when the thought makes me sick at least gives me an option to eat and I never binge.

    Hope you receive better news and the negatives turn around for you.

    If the low calorie consumption continues over a few days, get calories where ever you can. Guacamole is high calorie and chips, cookies are fine. Vlcd for over a few days will just make the stress worse.
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    Worrying about a family members health issues is fine but you can't let it turn into a health problem for you by not eating.

    ^^ this

    Though I can't say I have a clue how you feel. The only time I don't feel like eating is when I have the stomach flu. I am an emotional eater.