Joined last week, 30 lbs to shed

Hi all,

Last week I got the urge to download the app, and so far so good. I set a goal to shed 30 lbs and try to get back to my post-high school / early college size of 180 lbs.

After 9 days, I have lost 4.5 lbs simply by walking 7,000-10,000 steps a day and eating between 1,970-2,200 calories per day. The thing I have noticed most is that more sleep is the missing ingredient. When I get a solid 8 hours in, I feel better and my weight drops more rapidly. If I stay up late working or watching the TV and only get 6 hours in, I don't drop as much and feel like crap the next morning.

Consistency in meal calories is also very noticeable in blood sugar/energy - if I don't eat enough calories for breakfast (at least 700), I am dragging by lunch, and dragging again by dinner. I like to pre-plan my food for the day before I eat it, so I know what to avoid or how to adjust portions when that meal finally rolls around. It really makes me want to avoid eating out because of how hard it is to track nutrition facts at lesser known restaurants that don't really publish their nutrition facts.

If you're a planner, get a thrill out of seeing your progress over time, and enjoy the data aspect of health, this app is amazing. Not to mention, the barcode scanner for literally any food is the best invention ever, makes diary entries effortless.

I feel great and finally feel like I have a tool that can help me achieve my goals in small chunks.

Glad to be here!


  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Welcome! My hubby and I have lost a combined 187 pounds in 2 years. Feel free to add me for encouragement.