getting thinner and fitter... and saggier :-(



  • mklovo
    mklovo Posts: 3 Member
    My mother in law has the same problem. Her trainer increase her strength training. That should help a little with the tummy and arms. I don't know about the face, though.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    Personally, I would much prefer to look young and lovely than have "battle scars that tell a life story". Type that in a swirly font over a kitten picture and share it on Facebook, imo ;)

    Then your motivation is simply different than mine. <shrug> I've been through a great deal of adversity in my life, and I'm rather proud of my "life story". It has nothing to do with swirly fonts and kittens, but giving those who might try to put me down a big middle finger.

    I place no stock in physical appearance, anyway. It doesn't tell who a person is on the inside, which is "supposed" to be what counts. No matter how young and beautiful someone might look, it doesn't prevent them from being a huge d'bag, if that's their personality.

    Just saying.
  • SuperJo1972
    SuperJo1972 Posts: 113 Member
    I remember hearing the saying years ago that you don't get wrinkles on a balloon. ???? To use the same analogy, at some point if you keep blowing a balloon up it eventually goes pop.

    Yes, it is disappointing when our bodies don't bounce back as we hoped, but our medical risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes etc is drastically reduced. we need to focus on living a long and healthy life, than living fat and dying young.

    If your youthful face was your favourite aspect of your image, find another body part you like. For me, my lower belly is getting loose skin which I am uncomfortable with. but I am focusing on getting fit and strong. I am working on getting an *kitten* that is round and firm, so I squat. ;-)

    Weight training may help by giving some muscle structure to your neck and shoulder area. Hydrate and moisturise and get your skin as good as it can be.

    You have done great with your weightloss. You should be proud. :-)
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    I'm 26 and have been overweight my entire life. My skin has very little elasticity...I'm COVERED in stretch marks, from my neck to my ankles. I've started to notice unattractive skin dimpling and sagginess since I've lost weight. And I figure it'll only get worse the more weight I lose, even though I do strength training along with cardio. My body has had to deal with so much weight for so long, and I just don't think my skin is going to know what to do. But I'm still happy...even though I don't like it I'll take saggy skin over fat any day.
  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
    Hi OP. I can relate to you. In February I was clinically obese at 194lb. I am now about 154lb. I have aged ten years with that weight loss - especially my face, legs and arms. I am 51 and not in menapause yet. I look at a pic of my face (in my profile photos) taken a year ago and can't believe that was me. I look like an old woman now. I was aiming to lose another 20lb. I am rethinking that.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    well, i put the weight back on. i couldn't cope with the chicks at checkout stands talking to me the way they used to talk to my 80 year old mother, calling me sweetie with cooing voices, always offering me senior discounts that i'm not actually old enough to get - so condescending in a nice way. i really hated that more than i can say. then some life problems got in the way, i lost control of my food and i have less muscle tone and stuff like bursitis and other issues than when i first started at MFP.

    but i'm back at it again. been working out again for a week, having a lot of trouble this time around with binge eating, but i'm working on it. hope some of you have been enjoying success or are ready to join me and try again.
  • Lizzypb88
    Lizzypb88 Posts: 367 Member
    My mom lost 100 pounds a few years ago, she was 54.. And I'll admit, she does look, eh, "more her age" older now.. But she's MUCH healthier, she had a lot of heart problems, and since she had weight loss surgery she lost all the weight super fast, plus she had been overweight for a few decades... Age/genetics/how fast you lose all factor in.. Does my mom look older and a tad more "saggy skin"? Yes, but she looks AMAZING! She looks much better than what she did, and it was the weight that kept her wrinkles from showing, in my opinion.. I'm only 28 so clearly I don't have any good advice, just what I've seen, but the slower you lose the better your skin will bounce back, and it can take up to 2 years for your skin to bounce back after you stop losing! You are your hardest critic, don't be so hard on yourself, I'm sure you look great, and good job and good luck on the rest of your journey!
  • Lizzypb88
    Lizzypb88 Posts: 367 Member
    Also would you rather look like a plump 40 year old, or a hot sexy 54 year old?! ;-)
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    ebaroldy wrote: »
    Also would you rather look like a plump 40 year old, or a hot sexy 54 year old?! ;-)

    the problem is i didn't look like a hot sexy 58 year old - everywhere i went, women treated me like a little old lady. they talked to me like i was a child - and that all stopped when i put some weight back on. yes, healthy is good - i want it, i really do. but the way people saw and treated me felt so awful and it was so unexpected, too.

    luckily for me, my husband is just the most supportive person. he married me at my heaviest weight and treats me the same however i look.
  • deetucker70
    deetucker70 Posts: 43 Member
    Congrats on feeling healthier and getting fitter! I'm sure you are seeing wrinkles that no one else even notices! We are all our worst critics:(. With that said, it can take time for the skin to catch up to the weight loss by shrinking. Stay moisturized, drink lots of water, and it should improve. The dry brushing idea is great and it also improves circulation to the skin. As far as the face and neck goes, retinol can work wonders! I've been using it on and off for 10 years and so far I've very few wrinkles at 46. It can help to rebuild lost collagen and also repair sun damage. I get a prescription from my Dr. Costs about $50 for a tube that will last me about 6 months. They also have a lot of over the counter options that are cheaper but not as strong.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    At 61 and 15 years post menopause, I found that my skin did tighten up somewhat after I list weight a few years ago. Well, either that, or I'm used to how I look with more wrinkles! But, people don't treat me like I'm 80!