So many have at least started this journey, are half way or been maintaining but why does the scale determine so much. We are excited to see that number continue to go down week in and week out but if we stall or become stagnant or we start a different approach such as strenght training, bootcamp, cross fit etc and our bodies began to change shape into what we like. If that scale begins to go up and not down we get discourage. Even myself I see my body changing into a smaller version but i still tell myself that i cant weigh this much because the scale has went up some and we sometimes feel defeated or ask ourselves whats wrong.
There are times I asked myself should i put my higher weight but i say no because mfp will show my weight loss as increased and maybe give me more calories to eat. I know after awhile we have to determine our own calories and macros or what works for us but again I asked why does the scale determine so much even though clothes, pictures and compliments can say alot more than the scale. Would love to here your comments. Take care everyone and keep pushing.


  • Sim123one
    Sim123one Posts: 36 Member
    I agree %100 with what you are saying.

    I never, and will never, use the scales again. I go off how my clothes fit, how I perform and most importantly, how I feel.
  • JessaLynn79
    JessaLynn79 Posts: 8 Member
    I can not describe how much I loathe the scale. I hear people say all the time "You're losing weight" or "You've lost weight" or "How much weight have you lost?". Truth is, the scale says I've lost nothing. I think the reason it means so much is because it gives us validation that our hard work is paying off, while in reality we should go off how we feel. Personally, I may have not lost any weight, but I feel better. I can run like I havent' been able to in a few years. I can keep up in spin classes, no problems. And my clothes feel looser. I wish scales never existed...
  • CandyMouse
    CandyMouse Posts: 22 Member
    Ha ha. Drives me NUTS, too! I try, really try to remember the numbers that are fluctuating are lower than the ones I started out with. but I still often, want to drop the scales in the trash. :smile:
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    I think that, when it is working in our favour, the scale is the quickest and easiest way to see a positive change. A solitary pound isn't going to show up on your waistline, and all the lifting in the world isn't going to change your body noticeably in a week or two. So it's a quick fix. It helps that when we start to lose weight, we shed water quickly so we're almost guaranteed a good loss in those crucial first weeks.

    That said, I completely agree with what you're saying. After a year of feeling like I'm in a permanent plateau (hint: I'm not - just losing in the usual stop and start way), it's more about how I feel and whether I can get those trousers on this week (or next week...)

    So yeah, get a quick fix from the scale when it's working in your favour if you need the boost, but realise that a gain in a week could be due to a whole host of reasons. Keep your eye on the real ball - being fitter and leaner - rather than just being a lower weight.
  • bigcle82
    bigcle82 Posts: 134 Member
    it's tough because even though the changes you see are great you still want to know what you weigh or wonder what your weight is and at times it can be a plus or even a minus but overall its a plus but our minds tells us differently
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    The scale is my valuable ally. It is a far more accurate measure of my weight status than a tape measure or clothing. Water weight can be tricky, true. However, I can look at my face in a mirror and determine instantly whether I am dehydrated, and to what degree. To which I add: the mirror is the initial indicator of ideal weight! Once ideal weight has been established by way of the mirror, the scale is there to maintain that magic number.
  • JessaLynn79
    JessaLynn79 Posts: 8 Member
    God love ya lady! If the mirror was my only indicator, I'd NEVER be at my ideal weight! Lol!
  • bigcle82
    bigcle82 Posts: 134 Member