how do you decide how much to exercise?

I worked out for 135 minutes today (a combination of a lot of vigorous Zumba,circuit training a la 30 day shred,and some strengthening exercises) and some people in my life are giving me crap because I'll "overdo it". I feel amazing,I almost did another hr of Zumba before bed but one of my kids woke up.


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i guess it depends.. are you working out that much because you really like it or because you want to lose weight faster? the latter will more than likely not be sustainable and would set you down a fairly dark path exercise wise. if it's the former then go for it and dont let the naysayers get you down

    i can only do 1 hour at a time at most but that's just because i prefer more intense, she-ra princess of power workouts
  • nlcs_nickyv32
    I don't have a plan on how long it's going to take. I personally do the Bill Starr 5x5, followed by some sprints. I don't keep track of time I just keep going till I finish. But on average I think it takes me 90 min to finish everything.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    Its not all at once,it was split up in three different sessions. I just like the exercise, its fun.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    My workouts are pretty intense (for me) I go all in/full effort abd Im have a lot of body to move the whole time
  • BetterKimmer
    BetterKimmer Posts: 178 Member
    i guess it depends.. are you working out that much because you really like it or because you want to lose weight faster? the latter will more than likely not be sustainable and would set you down a fairly dark path exercise wise. if it's the former then go for it and dont let the naysayers get you down

    i can only do 1 hour at a time at most but that's just because i prefer more intense, she-ra princess of power workouts

    What she said
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    It's really easy to burn yourself out on DVD's such as Zumba, trust me. I did the DVDs before and hurried through the discs, often times doubling up. I eventually got bored of the dances since I tried them all so quickly and quit working out altogether. However, if you can avoid that from happening and you enjoy working out, keep with it.
  • crikey_katie
    crikey_katie Posts: 136 Member
    I just say listen to your body. Some days I'm just really feeling it and spend hours in the gym if time permits. As long as it's not an attempt to drop weight super fast and you feel good an energized do what ever you wish :)
  • Betti2
    Betti2 Posts: 30 Member
    If you love it & it's enjoyable, you feel comfortable & healthy, your body's not complaining, just keep going.
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    For some reason, if you exercise more than 2 hours a day, you're "addicted to exercise" which means "you have some sort of disorder" or whatever. Anyway, if you happen to swim 2 hours a day, you get a free pass. I don't know why but 2 hours of running vs 2 hours of swimming are treated differently.

    Rant aside, if you are enjoying it, and your body is not suffering, do as much as you want. I congratulate you if you're doing that much and enjoying it. I've always had trouble motivating myself to do exercise.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    who are "some people"?

    Is it your husband? your kids? perhaps the time spent exercising used to be spent with them...

    you have to be able to balance your desires/needs/wants with those in your life....

    If it's your family try including them in some of your walking or going for bike rides but also explain that at least 1 hour is your time because as a mom/wife you need to have your time too...
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    No its my friends and some people I used to go with that I socialize with on facebook (particularly we talk about what we've been doing to get in shape and generally motivate each other)

    My kids are 2,4 and 6 so its not them :p
    My spouse works at night and I exercise in the morning while he sleeps and at night after he leaves for work so it has no effect on him.

    I do wiifit with my kids,they like the games and it lets me get some stretching,yoga etc in but I dont really count that as working out.

    Anyway one person in particular is absolutely SURE im going to injure myself. I think its because Im very heavy,but beyond the fact that im heavy,Im in good health and have no issues moving,or with my heart etc.

    Ive given up some certain types of foods that I cant eat in a reasonable amount (binge triggers) as I have ednos and issues with binge eating. The exercise (Im thinking endorphins?) has been a wonderful distraction to getting used to the new diet.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    Anyway this is more like- how do people decide their workout plan? i'm trying to create something reasonable
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    I have a crazy-busy life and the only time I have to exercise is at lunch. So I exercise for 30 min a day Mon-Thurs and then for an hour on Fridays. Then I do "life movement", cleaning, mowing, laundry, playing with my daughter on the weekends.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    this is actually a really good question.

    obvously it's going to be mainly driven by your goals.

    quite honestly... 2+ is probably only reasonable if are training for an atheltic event. Or if you indescriminently want to blast mass off your body (both fat and muscle).

    If your goal is to lose wieght, and have an atheltic looking body (which is generally a goal of those lifting), the more you exercise the more you will have to eat in order to keep a reasonable defecit and avoid losing muscle.
  • aneary1980
    aneary1980 Posts: 461 Member
    My gym workout is around two hours one hour of cardio then weights and ab training, I have built up the cardio from 15 minutes to an hour the second half has always been this long just heavier/different weights and different ab exercises. My PT designs this and it changes every month so that a) I don't get bored and b) I push myself a little bit more each month.

    I also run on non-gym days but only around 30 minutes.

    As long as you are consistent and not trying too much too soon or 'killing yourself' then do what you are comfortable with.

    I exercise more so I can have treat/cheat days, I like food.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Is there is a goal in working out for 135 minutes beyond being obsessive? Are you training for something?

    There are no guidelines except for people who do not exercise getting at least 30 minutes 3 times per week. Beyond that it is personal preference.

    I do an hour a day of training and at least a few hours of sports 3-5 times per week. All my training is based on performance and endurance needs.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I started off doing like 70 + minutes of cardio a day and I just couldn't keep it up.

    So, I played around with my routine for a while until I found something that worked for me.

    Now I do 35-40 minutes of heavy lifting 4 x per week and I try to get in 30-60 minutes of walking on my breaks at work. On my days off of lifting I may go for a bike ride or a run if I'm in the mood for it, but that's not set in stone. Otherwise, I just take pooch out for a long walk.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    Its not my goal to work out that much, I just ended up doing that yesterday. Daily, I do an hour of zumba at night because I like it (although I mute it and listen to my mp3 player haha I hate the zumba music) and I do a session of 30 day shred because Im doing the program and thats whatcha do. Anything else I do is **** I felt like doing because I was bored or something or had a lot of energy.

    This is the first time Ive actually had energy to do things in my life (new dr finally got me on a (tripled) higher more accurate dose of my thyroid medication) and Im just enjoying it.
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    Well if you're enjoying it, there's your answer!
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I think unless you are training for something, and therefore also eating as you would when training for something, lots of exercise can be detrimental. Not only can you burn yourself out easily, but many of the gains of exercise happen during the rest period. If you're not giving your body adequate time to rest and repair, you're selling yourself short.