I can't be the only one. - Migraines

Hey everyone, I wanted to try to get some feedback from others. I have tried diet and exercise before I lost the most weight with South Beach, however when I tried to do it again it did not agree with me at all. So now watching what I eat however I am having problems with the exercise. I cant be the only one with this same issue so hoping someone can advise or give tips since i am running out of options.

I suffer from migraines. Every time i push my body to do something I get a migraine. If its too hot, up and down quick movements etc it makes me ill. I have thought of Yoga but I need to lose some serious weight maybe I am naive and don't know enough about it but what else can i do to shed weight that is not going to make me ill. I tried running doctor advised against it since my shin splits were basically keeping me off my feet. So one more thing I can't do. I am envious of my husband and kids who have no issues and see them work out and get lean and fit and every time i try something I cant do what I want.. Please help.

**i should point out that I am a not a group class type of person.


  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Can you walk? I've got a lot of chronic illnesses, including chronic migraine, and walking was the first exercise I did. I'm injured right now so I'm back to it-- I walk around the neighborhood usually early in the morning or in the evening when it's not hot.

    You don't need exercise to lose weight-- you just need a deficit. That's mostly going to come from logging your food and sticking to your calorie goal. I recommend exercise, obviously, if possible. But you can get started without it.
  • icyeyes317
    icyeyes317 Posts: 226 Member
    Get a workup for your migraines done. Make sure they haven't changed, or there aren't other changes.

    I know it's cliche` (I hated hearing it too), but make sure you are taking in enough fluids. Vitamin water works great, so does gatorade. Pedialyte works but tastes nasty. Of course, there is plain ol water too. Watch what you are eating. Figure out your food triggers, and stay away.

    Also, you just may need to take things slower than others. It sucks (I have migraines as well as chronic, life-altering illness). Take it one day at a time.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    ^ agreed about staying hydrated and getting evaluated. My neurologist worked wonders on my migraines. I'm down about 40% from the number of migraine days I was having when I first started seeing him.
  • toya1815
    toya1815 Posts: 20 Member
    Walking in addition to watching what you eat is your best option right now. Also, if you dont drink enough water now try increasing your intake. I was told an ounce per lb of body weight each day in the beginning of my weight loss. I too struggled with the migraines in the beginning which will most definitely inhibit your ability to excercise. But after about a month of the water and walking, I was able to add in the eliptical, a few resistance machines, etc a little at a time until my body could handle it. I still have migraines, but no where near as much.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • nikkohli
    nikkohli Posts: 311 Member
    Can you walk? I've got a lot of chronic illnesses, including chronic migraine, and walking was the first exercise I did. I'm injured right now so I'm back to it-- I walk around the neighborhood usually early in the morning or in the evening when it's not hot.

    You don't need exercise to lose weight-- you just need a deficit. That's mostly going to come from logging your food and sticking to your calorie goal. I recommend exercise, obviously, if possible. But you can get started without it.

    I suffer from migraines and a musco-skeletal disorder and I thinking walking is really underrated. It is a slow and steady way to help your health--the mental and physical benefits are great! I love going for long walks and listening to a good podcast. Just 30 minutes a few times a week could make a big difference! I was able to work my way up to running and other high-intensity forms of exercise so maybe walking will help treat your migraines?

    Good luck! I feel your pain :flowerforyou:
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    Walking probably hurts shin splints? I know it would me. Have you tried bike riding? Or just lifting weights?
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    I would agree about getting an evaluation and also drinking plenty of fluids if you do exercise. Also, make sure you are eating enough before and after exercise, both before and after a workout. I did South Beach a few years back myself and couldn't survive on Phase I' I needed some carbs or I would feel just awful. Phase II worked find for me and I still lost weight; it had just enough carbs to give me energy to keep going. I have low blood pressure and can't do certain exercises that involve getting up and down quickly, such as burpees, without feeling lightheaded and dizzy, so I just avoid those. But there are plenty of other things you can do -- strength training where you are standing and using free weights, low impact aerobics, walking, stationary bike, etc.
  • buzz3d269
    buzz3d269 Posts: 87 Member
    Have you tried swimming? My mum suffers greatly from migraines (any change to her daily routine and she can be out of it for days). She has found swimming to be a great way to exercise, and also, at the very beginning of a migraine, can help the symptoms a little.

    I'm a walker - I don't particularly like exercise, so I've stuck to walking as it's something I can see myself doing well into the future (versus hitting the gym is something I've done sporadically over the years). With the combination of watching my food intake, and only walking, I've started to drop weight, so I'm hopeful it will keep up!

    Good luck with finding something that works for you, and also, as others above have said, if this is a recent change, perhaps have a chat with your doc.
  • ThisCharmingFellow
    ThisCharmingFellow Posts: 132 Member
    I have three primary headache conditions including migraine, currently have around 8 per month.

    My advice is to keep a diary of all your headaches alongside logging your food, and to go and see a neurologist.
  • shortstuff4ever78
    Thanks everyone for some great advice. I am currently/actively in touch with my doctor and my neurologist. I have their support. I am also under weight loss management at a local hospital where I check in with the the foods I eat and follow they eating plan. Their suggestion since I am having no luck is that I have gastric by pass. I DO NOT want to do that. I have never EVER had a procedure that way done and not to offend I see it as a cop out on my behalf..as if to say I can do everything else but loose weight.

    My husband does go with me on walks to keep me company...I will tell you that I have little to no triggers with food...its weather related. Temp up/down, hot/cold/,humid (my biggest one)/dry heat I live in New England it can be one of these all the time! Trust me when I say I live on egg shells so that i DON't get one. Sigh its not me right? I feel everyone thinks i am making excuses. The only place near me that has a pool is a local sports club that charges insane pricing. I recently tried iLipo (waste of 1K) I did a personal trainer and had more migraines with him then anything else (waste another 1K).
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    Weight loss starts in the kitchen...remember. Fitness starts in the activity you chose.

    I would focus more on your calories since your doctors don't see any progress in your weight loss and wish to perform gastric bypass. Perhaps keeping your diary open can help in this respect?? (Or not) You don't have to open your profile. I don't have an open profile but the diary is public. Mine's not perfect by any means. Just a thought. :flowerforyou:

    (Your ticker also says you have to lose 2lbs. That's a little misleading to those of us trying to help you by answering your post.:wink: )
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    I have three primary headache conditions including migraine, currently have around 8 per month.

    My advice is to keep a diary of all your headaches alongside logging your food, and to go and see a neurologist.


    One of my triggers is pepperoni, but only from one national pizza chain - which I realized because of the diary. As others have said, dehydration is also a trigger. Hormonal changes are also a factor; I am on continuous birth control (no withdrawal weeks) to even things out.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    Thanks everyone for some great advice. I am currently/actively in touch with my doctor and my neurologist. I have their support. I am also under weight loss management at a local hospital where I check in with the the foods I eat and follow they eating plan. Their suggestion since I am having no luck is that I have gastric by pass. I DO NOT want to do that. I have never EVER had a procedure that way done and not to offend I see it as a cop out on my behalf..as if to say I can do everything else but loose weight.

    My husband does go with me on walks to keep me company...I will tell you that I have little to no triggers with food...its weather related. Temp up/down, hot/cold/,humid (my biggest one)/dry heat I live in New England it can be one of these all the time! Trust me when I say I live on egg shells so that i DON't get one. Sigh its not me right? I feel everyone thinks i am making excuses. The only place near me that has a pool is a local sports club that charges insane pricing. I recently tried iLipo (waste of 1K) I did a personal trainer and had more migraines with him then anything else (waste another 1K).

    My adult son has had a lifelong issue with weather related migraines and I have some mild issues as well with change in barometric pressure, humidity, etc. We also live in New England. There are a few things that work for both of us. One is that we both take a B-vitamin complex. I came across this rather by accident. My son who has Asperger's was on some heavy duty meds as a young teen-ager, and we had to pull him off because of side effects. I was reading about Autism and Asperger's and put him on the B complex because there was research that said it helped. Well, I don't know if it worked for the Asperger's, but his incidence of migraines were greatly reduced. He used to have them so badly as a child, that he would be vomiting. If you are currently on a very reduced calorie diet because you are working with a nutritionist, you may even be missing out on some B-vitamins. Magnesium is also a supplement that can help, and I sometimes take that on "trigger" days. Another over the counter trick if you are actually symptomatic -- 2 aspirin, 2 extra strength Tylenol and a cup of strong coffee or other beverage with caffeine.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    You can absolutely lose weight without exercise. The calorie deficit produces weight loss. Exercise is just a way to make it bigger (and it has other health benefits as well). Don't go low carb. Don't skip meals. Don't run too big of a deficit.

    Bike riding is a good suggestion. Or maybe an indoor elliptical if the heat bothers you. Just start slow and work your way up to higher intensity. Lots of water, a good balance of electrolytes.