For myself but you are invited

Firstly, if you want to come in and read this, feel free, post if you want or just follow my journey, I am writing this publically so that I become accountable to anyone and everyone, so even if I dont know it, someone could be watching so I need to make sure I post and stay on track.

So every single day I promise myself to be better tomorrow, start Monday or make a change in the morning. The truth is my battle with food is far bigger than any other battle I have ever faced, followed closely behind by my battle with lack of motivation for exercise.

A month ago, I weighed in at a massive 127kg. I am 177cm tall and 34 years old. I decided to make some changes and have but not as many as I should have, I cheat a little every day and dont make any effort to exercise. Today I weigh a still massive 120kgs. I am so unhappy in my body, my knees ache, my ankles ache, I have headaches daily and dry skin. I know all of this is massively contributed by my weight. Yes I have a permanent injury that affects me daily but there are alternatives to working out, I just choose to use my injury as my excuse.

Well no more! I have had enough, I want to weigh a healthy weight, I want to wear average clothes and not "big lady clothes" I have been on MFP for a long time and just dont want to log what I shouldnt but if you like add me and follow my diary, I promise to log EVERYTHING from this very minute. Not like all the other promises I make myself, this is a promise to you! Yes you reading, no matter where you are from, what you do for a living, who you are or who you think I am, I promise YOU I will log. I promise YOU I will try to be a good example of being healthy and losing weight in a positive way. I promise YOU I will give you an update daily as long as I have a computer nearby - almost daily.

So tonight I had a reasonably healthy dinner, 2 x bread rolls with chicken, lettuce and tomatoes, with relish and.... mayo! all washed down with a sugary drink! I always do this to myself. I start healthy, I then add unhealthy stuff and wash it down with unhealthier stuff. I fllowed it with a coffee as I always do with...... 2 chocolate biscuits! I didnt need them, I shouldnt have but I did and as I was eating the 2nd biscuit I thought to myself I dont want to do this anymore, I dont want to eat chocolate after dinner, I dont want to wash dinner down with a sugary drink and I dont want to be fat.

So begins this new journey, this new promise to YOU and this new life for ME! I know most people dont post their weight as its too scary to tell the world and be accountable but I have put it all out there.

Its now 10.06pm and Im heading off to bed but I wanted to make this promise to you so I can get started right now..... a glass of water and I will sleep...night all.... post my update tomorrow. x Sheryl - Brisbane, Australia:flowerforyou: