Hi there

Hi my name is Angie and I am 25 years old and just getting back on the fitness/healthy lifestyle bandwagon. It's been a long time since I cared about my lifestyle. I am so ready to get back into the game though. I've been doing a c25k training and feeling really good about myself. Just posting to see what people do to keep themselves motivated to keep exercising ? Thanks so much, Angie!


  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    Hi Angie...welcome to MFP!! :happy:

    For me the motivation is seeing the results. I have to say I was a little disheartened at first (especially as I was working out so hard, eating so much less AND I PUT ON WEIGHT! Agh!) but I just stuck with it because it has to be about a "new lifestyle" rather than a quick fix diet...

    Now I can wear the clothes I want (well, okay..I'm still working on the bikini, my stomach needs some serious work - but with clothes ON it ain't bad!!) and feel much better in myself! I am just focusing at the moment on trying to get my balance right... I was a little hardcore trying to reach my goal, but now I'm so close I need to work something out that allows treats and to relax every now and then but yet doesn't let me over indulge and get in a mess too often!!! :laugh:

    Watch out for the support groups if you need something new to motivate you...there is bound to be something that catches your eye - be that others doing C25K like yourself, or cycling, 30 Day Shred or something else...if there is a group of like minded people cheering you on (or to report to if you've been bad!! hehe) then you're much more likely to stick to the plan!

    Good luck! :happy:
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    Hi and welcome aboard! :smile:

    I do Martial Arts training and wall climbing and the fun of it is motivation enough. The best kind of motivation there is, I suppose. The results are important too. Its nice to notice improvement in your technique, performance, and general fitness. It does feel good to be able to try new sports and not be the first to get winded. :wink:

    Seeing weight go off and clothes fitting better is another good motivation although I haven't been minding my weight much for a while. I'm getting so close to my ideal weight that losing fat is getting increasingly harder and fretting about it too much would just drive me nuts. :ohwell: