I'm stuck at the same weight. It will go down for a couple weeks then somehow I go right back up to 207 and my habits haven't changed. This is discouraging

I need HELP! I want to lose 30 lbs by my birthday October 19th, if not at least by Halloween.

What exercises should I be doing?

Diet ideas?

Do protein shakes help?

Help...I'll take any advice I can get

I'm at the point where I wanna cry whenever I look in the mirror......I feel like I look horrible and I"m tired of it


  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
    Can you make your diary public?

    What is your calorie goal per day? (net)

    How tall are you?

    What is your exercise routine?
  • TripleOG92
    TripleOG92 Posts: 16
    I'm 5'8

    Calorie goal 1200

    I go to the gym for minimum 45 mins/3-4 times a week. Cardio for at least 20 of those minutes
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    You could start by accurately logging your food.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    you are not logging..problem solved
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    you are not logging..problem solved

    ^^This. Calories add up offensively and surprisingly fast.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    you are not logging..problem solved


    How do you know how much you're eating if you aren't tracking? Not everyone has to log, but if they aren't, and it's not working....start tracking your intake.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    Absolutely start logging your food and exercise! Once you do that, you'll be able to see where you need to make adjustments.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    If you don't log you don't know how many calories you are really eating.

    A food scale and reading will help you get started.
  • TripleOG92
    TripleOG92 Posts: 16
    Actually, I do keep track.

    The app just isn't in my phone anymore.

    I've cut out any liquids besides water and occasional skim milk with my cereal/oatmeal.

    I eat fish and chicken. Don't really care for pork and red meat isn't a must

    Lots of green veggies and fruits

    One thing I know i'm doing wrong is not eating a bigger breakfast but I don't really get hungry in the mornings....

    So back to the question besides not logging....what can I do
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Actually, I do keep track.

    The app just isn't in my phone anymore.

    so how are you keeping track then? and how accurately, it really really really matters!

    One thing I know i'm doing wrong is not eating a bigger breakfast but I don't really get hungry in the mornings....

    So back to the question besides not logging....what can I do

    The only reason to worry about meal timing is if you feel more satisfied eating at certian times. Don't buy into the revs up your metabolism for the day type stuff.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Actually, I do keep track.

    The app just isn't in my phone anymore.

    I've cut out any liquids besides water and occasional skim milk with my cereal/oatmeal.

    I eat fish and chicken. Don't really care for pork and red meat isn't a must

    Lots of green veggies and fruits

    One thing I know i'm doing wrong is not eating a bigger breakfast but I don't really get hungry in the mornings....

    So back to the question besides not logging....what can I do

    Please read the links above.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Exercise more.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    OP, I can easily consume over 1,000 calories at dinner eating salmon, steamed veggies and sauteed veggies.

    I do it on a regular basis (feel free to check out my every Monday night) but I save up my calories that day for it.

    It really does matter that you weigh and log your food.

    I never would've thought I was eating over 1,000 kcal of fish and veg if I weren't logging my recipes and oils and creams I use to cook it with.

    ETA: I guess it's about 600-700 for my Monday night salmon dinners, but still. I never would've guessed salmon and veg was that much if I wasn't logging religiously.
  • Ninjaninja1
    Ninjaninja1 Posts: 7 Member
    Are you changing up your workouts? You need to change things up every 3-4 weeks. Weight training? What about inches? There are a lot of factors here. Don't get discouraged. Look at your food intake and your workouts and make changes accordingly.
  • AtmaKing
    AtmaKing Posts: 145 Member
    If you're not losing your not being accurate.

    Also 30 pounds in 12 weeks is doable, not healthy but doable.

    12-18 lbs in that time frame would not only be doable but much healthier and sustainable in the long run.

    Stop lying to yourself, start logging correctly, make the changes necessary and everything will fall into place to where it should be.

    Good luck.
  • SavannahPB
    SavannahPB Posts: 4 Member
    My first time dieting I lost 38 pounds in one Summer easily. I gained all if that back and more and this is my second time and i've lost 20 pounds atm and still going. My advice to you would be to have a cheat meal, it always always always helps me become unstuck. I think your body gets used to the healthy food you are putting into in and it makes it harder to loose pounds. If you have a cheat meal, your body will remember again that you're eating such healthy food and start to loose again. It always works for me. :)

  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    well if you aren't logging on here. then are you at least keeping a food diary? I write in mine everyday all day. I weigh and I measure and I log everything I eat or drink. You cant just try and keep a running total in your head. You could stand to up that cardio to everyday. if you are truily eating at 1200 then you would be losing. Things add up. Try to add in a walk after dinners or first thing in the am. IT helps me to switch things up when my weight stays the same so I can kickstart it back again. don't get discouraged and start logging your food on mfp. do you use it on your home computer? I do. I don't even have one of those smart phones. the very least keep a food diary. I use a notebook I got from the dollar store. You can look at my food diary if you want -its public.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    Actually, I do keep track.

    The app just isn't in my phone anymore.

    I've cut out any liquids besides water and occasional skim milk with my cereal/oatmeal.

    I eat fish and chicken. Don't really care for pork and red meat isn't a must

    Lots of green veggies and fruits

    One thing I know i'm doing wrong is not eating a bigger breakfast but I don't really get hungry in the mornings....

    So back to the question besides not logging....what can I do

    It's not about what foods you eat/don't eat or when you eat them. It's about how much you eat. Weight loss is all about the calorie deficit.

    If you're not tracking your food here, how are you keeping track of your intake? Do you use a food scale?

    My advice is to start using the app to track your calories and read the links that have been posted for you. Unfortunately, we can't really offer specific advice if we don't have an accurate picture of your food intake.
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member
    Are you changing up your workouts? You need to change things up every 3-4 weeks. Weight training? What about inches? There are a lot of factors here. Don't get discouraged. Look at your food intake and your workouts and make changes accordingly.

    THIS is exactly where you need to put your focus on! Focus more on your why you want to lose weight. Is it to fit in certain clothes? Your actual scale weight is nothing compared to what the goals you want for yourself! Stop stressing and obsessing about the scale, and focus on the overall process. I bet you will see the inches melt away faster than the pounds on the scale!

    Another big factor I read about is making sure to get enough sleep and water intake is crucial! It's recommended that you get half your weight in ounces of water a day!