Looking for friends!?

Hello everyone, my name is Danielle.
I am 29 years old. I am 5'8" and I currently weight around 190 pounds. I am hoping to slowly get down to 155 or 160.

I am hoping to find friends that are close to my height and weight, so that we have around the same calorie intakes and can find motivation and inspiration from each other.

I am currently teaching myself to powerwalk... slowly building up to it. I walk 2 or 3 miles a day, in around 30 to 45 minutes, briskly. I would like to be able to walk a mile and a half in 14 minutes, eventually. I also hula hoop for weight loss and fitness, rollerskate, and work out of the eliptical or stationary bike now and again.

My weaknesses are chocolate, ice-cream, and fun-yuns. I am also addicted to Dr. Pepper, but I switched to diet.