kill me now!!



  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I weigh once a week,because your weight fluctuates so much in a day that i also get discouraged.cant be obsessive


    I weight twice a week, mostly so that I don't forget to do it! It's often enough that I can make sure i'm still on track (because I give myself "days off") but it's infrequent enough that it doesn't really pick up on the normal daily fluctuations.
  • sherylhs
    sherylhs Posts: 141 Member
    From Obeg:
    I weight two times a day. And I have been doing this for years. Here is my reasoning on weighing "compulsively" instead of weekly or longer. First - I know my body - if I weigh myself right before bed - I can expect to be down 1.5 to 2 lbs by morning. Every morning I weigh again as soon as I get up (and pee a lb off of course!) I have found that my weight may fluctuate during the day - but generally it is very consistent at those two times a day. Since it is consistent I like to keep an eye on it daily. That way I can see a real progress or lack there of and can fine tune on a daily basis. Seeing my weight trend up a day or two slightly is much easier to adjust and fix than if I weighed once a week and all of the sudden was up 3 lbs. That would be very frustrating to me.

    From Philiphill1:
    I do try and monitor my weight 4 - 5 times a week. Usually first thing in the morning. I find I am at my lowest point usually Thursday Morning and the highest Sunday Morning and my weight fluctuates throughout the week. That's just me and it's what I have noticed.

    I'm like Obeg, I weigh myself twice a day; once in the morning and once at night. I am trying to learn how my body works so I don't "freak out" during those weight gains. I usually can count on a 2.5 to 3 ob drop from my night weight to my morning weight. But the one I track (in a spreadsheet - yay, okay so maybe I take it too far - LOL) is the morning weight. Like Philiphill1, I have found that I weigh my lightest on Friday morning and the most on Monday or Tuesday mornings. But I really look at the TREND - that's the important part for me.

    Today I am up 1.6 lbs from yesterday, but I'm okay with that. I know I went over my calories with a heavy dinner and Murphy is in town (sorry if TMI), so I'm okay with the scale this morning. Was I happy? Hell no, but because I am on a downward trend and I know this is how my body reacts, I understand it.

    Oddly enough, the heavier Monday / Tuesday trend that I see seems to keep me motivated to work out on the weekends becuase I know I don't move as much on the weekends as I do at work during the week... and I don't even have one of those expense calorie burning bands on my arm. :wink:

    You have to do what is comfortable for you. If weighing everyday is freaking you out, don't do it. Maybe try both and see what really works for your mindset.

    Most importantly - don't give up!
  • Darkling
    Even weighing myself once a week has caused panic on the scale. I've actually gained up to 6 pounds in one week and then lost all that and then a couple extra the following. I always weigh on the same scale at the same time each week. I found that these huge gains were usually after I worked out heavily for an entire week. Lots of weight training and cardio. I don't quite understand it yet but I'm being told it could be anything from water retention to sugar being stored in the muscles for readily available fuel due to your body prepping itself to have to be put under that kind of "strain" again.

    Moral is, don't fret. If you're doing what you're suppose to be doing to get yourself healthy then ignore the scale for a while because it can deceive you.
  • ginnyroxx
    I'm with Gambits here. (shocker!)

    Start tracking your sodium in your food diary. Make sure you're drinking all your water. Make sure you are eating all your calories.

    This is my 4th week here. I lost weight on weeks 1 & 2 and then gained 2 pounds. I didn't 'cheat' with food. i worked out every day. The gain made no sense to me. I started eating all my calories - my exercise calories, too - drinking at least 12 cups of water a day and trying to keep my sodium level under 2500mg. Yesterday I was down a pound.

    stay with it! we'll get there together! :)
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    So....tomorrow will be one week since I joined! I have logged on dilligently every day and for the most part have followed the recommendations. On Saturday i weighed myself to see if I had lost and I was down 1.2 pounds or so. great right>???? So I continued to follow. I have been working out so hard (Monday- step class and circuit class at lunch; Tue-off; Wed- circuit class; Thur-45 min walk and 1 hr of yoga; friday circuit class; Sat- step class). I got on scale and was sad to see i had gained 2 i am now 1 lb above start weight. My official weigh in day is tomorrow but every time i weigh i get so discouraged/ Should i stop weighing.....should i weigh myself daily and just record once week....growllllll

    Weigh once a week ... and yes, track your sodium. If you aren't you are doing yourself a disservice. Most of all ... PATIENCE. You didn't put this weight on in a week, it ain't comin' off in a week, no matter how much you want it to. I have been on here for almost 3 months and have dropped 24 lbs. I did it by watching what I ate, tracked the sodium and EXERCISED and ate back most of my exercise calories ... I didn't starve myself. You must have patience with this.

    Also, regarding water ... you should be drinking at least 1/2 your body weight in water per day .. no caffeine doesn't count. :)

    Stick with it. Don't be frustrated, it's only been a week ;)