Dealing with Night Shifts

At the moment I'm working on a highly changing rota- one day I'll be on a morning shift, the next I might be on till midnight, the next, midnight again, then perhaps another day shift. It makes it really, REALLY difficult to establish a proper eating pattern and as I work at a food place, being hungry at night when I'm tired and surrounded by icecream and fries isn't really ideal. One of the main reasons I've failed at dieting even before starting such mixed up hours is a lack of structure and proper meals - I do take food with me (although I often don't get my break), which has helped a little but I don't have time for a reasonable dinner.

I'm guessing I'm not the only person who has to deal with erratic hours - I was wondering how everyone else copes? I've tried having a larger meal at lunch time and a snack around 5-6 ish, and then another larger bite to eat if I get a break around 8-10ish, but my body is just used to having its main feed in the evening...

What do you guys do?