Changing my fitness goals/plan

I've dropped 70lbs over the past year doing a lot of cardio and with a 2lbs/week loss calorie deficit. I'm happy that I got the weight off and I feel 1000 times better. I've got like 10lbs to my goal weight. But I really want to go the extra mile, and work on developing myself. I realize now that I should have incorporated more strength training early on. I have a gold gym weight machine and a membership to a great gym.. I've only toyed with lifting once or twice a week. Really not following any plan. Instead, I've been spending about 90 minutes a day 5-6 days a week doing cardio stuff. Mostly running, basketball, rowing ect.

Now that I've gotten so close to my goal, I want to really start focusing on weight lifting. I want to look great naked :-) I've signed up with a personal trainer from our gym, who will be working with me to develop form as I start strongman 5x5.

What is confusing me is the whole "can't build muscle if your in a deficit". I still have idk, 10lbs or so that I'd like to shed. Should I begin lifting while running a deficit calorie wise? Should I just move to maintenance or even a .5 a week gain? I get the whole, a pound of fat vs a pound of muscle volume argument.... I'm ready to stop weighing myself every day :-).... But should I wait until these last 10lbs come off?

I've really enjoyed the cardio stuff, but I've read a lot of stuff about it being counter productive to building muscle. If I just drop the cardio stuff, is there something else I can add to help achieve my goals? I'm just confused as to what's gonna be counter productive and what won't.

I plan on talking to the trainer Tuesday about these items, but wanted to see what the hive mind thought to be a bit more prepared going into our first meeting.