Help me with Macros!!!

mscheftg Posts: 485 Member
Okay, so I'm really struggling here. I've done the whole TDEE calorie goal and followed the directions for setting macros in the "Guide to Sexypants" post.

However, my goals/percentages seem sooooo off. I've estimated my BF% because I don't have an accurate way of measuring it right now. But my protein seems so high, as well as my fat. Truthfully, I understand the importance of healthy fat, but I don't want to eat too much of it.

Also, I feel like my protein levels are much higher than what is realistic. I'm not looking to build a bunch of muscle right now. I'm really trying to lose fat... yes, I know it's better to do both at the same time. I guess I just want to make sure that I'm doing this all right.

I just never know what's right and I feel like my goal of 1685 calories is high. If I up my activity level to 1-3 hrs of light exercise, it bumps me up to 1931 calories! That seems ridiculous.

Second question: I didn't put exercise in when I was figuring my calories, so when I do exercise, should I be eating back those calories? Or a portion of them?

Please don't send me to another post... I've read through the pinned posts and can't find answer to help. Would rather just get an answer to me.



  • CariS001
    CariS001 Posts: 169 Member
    You will need to post more details... height, weight, current activity...
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    how much protein do you feel is too high and how tall are you? i'm just over 5' 3" and was eating 65 to 75 grams of protein, am now eating more as i'm working out harder.

    i don't eat as much fat as suggested, ever. btw, i don't eat as many calories as TDEE, BMI and BMR suggest, as have higher body fat and lower lean muscle than the average person my size (although i'm improving)...

    here - try this to figure body fat
  • mscheftg
    mscheftg Posts: 485 Member
    how much protein do you feel is too high and how tall are you? i'm just over 5' 3" and was eating 65 to 75 grams of protein, am now eating more as i'm working out harder.

    i don't eat as much fat as suggested, ever. btw, i don't eat as many calories as TDEE, BMI and BMR suggest, as have higher body fat and lower lean muscle than the average person my size (although i'm improving)...

    here - try this to figure body fat

    I used those and I actually underestimated my body fat percentage. I am only 5'4". I followed the protein levels in the sexypants post that everyone is saying is what I should use. That's my whole problem. My goal, according to that, is around 145 g of protein a day. I know how to figure it out. I just can't believe that's what's best for me.

    Seems I can't get good answers unless I say I'm on a crash diet or drinking a supplement shake........ :ohwell: